Grant Gustafson at

Differential Equations 5410 Documents 2004

  • 5410 Electronic Records 14-Dec-2004
    Exams, Dailies F2004 (txt)
  • 5410 due dates for submitted work
    Due dates updated daily
    1. 5410 Midterm 1 Fall 2004 week 5
      Sample midterm 1 (pdf)
      Results midterm 1+rank-in-class
    2. 5410 Midterm 2 Fall 2004 week 10 (29 Oct)
      Sample midterm 2 (pdf)
      Results midterm 1+midterm 2+rank-in-class
    3. 5410 Midterm 3 Fall 2004 week 14 (07 Dec)
      Sample midterm 3 (pdf)
    4. 5410 Term Project Fall 2004 week 12
      Proofs due 15-November
      Postscript pdf

    1. Gustafson's 5410 course syllabus Fall 2004
      pdf postscript syllabus (130k)
      Undergraduate differential equations, J.M.Cushing
      Print locally or use Adobe AcroRead [acrobat reader]
    2. Gustafson's 5410 gradesheet Fall 2004
      pdf postscript gradesheet (75k)
      Record-keeping for Take-homes, Midterms and maple labs.
    3. 5410 format for submitted work
      How to improve your written work
    4. 5410 profile instructions
      How to submit your email profile
    5. 5410 Student profiles Fall 2004

    Documents for 5410 Fall 2004 (pdf)

    1. Exponential Modeling document for chapter 1
      PDF Document (25 pages, 490k)
    2. Numerical DE manuscript
      PDF Document (16 pages, 330k)
    3. Undetermined coefficients manuscript for chapter 3
      PDF Document (13 pages, 160k)
    4. Laplace transform manuscript
      PDF Document (35 pages, 300k)
    5. Heaviside coverup method manuscript
      PDF Document (3 pages, 53k)

    Maple Labs for 5410 Fall 2004

    1. Maple lab1: Direction fields
      PDF Document (2 pages, 35k)
    2. Maple lab2: Numerical methods: Euler, Heun, RK4
      PDF Document (2 pages, 35k)
    3. Maple lab3: Picard Iteration Experiments
      PDF Document (1 pages, 29k)
    4. Maple lab4: Teddy bears and DEplot
      PDF Document (2 pages, 35k)
    5. Maple lab5: Antihistamine problems
      PDF Document (2 pages, 32k)
    6. Maple lab6: Phase diagrams
      PDF Document (3 pages, 44k)
    7. Maple lab7: Chaos and Euler's method
      PDF Document (3 pages, 44k)
      Use this lab to replace one section of homework.

    Mail address:
            Grant B. Gustafson
            155 South 1400 East Rm113
            Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
    Office phone: (801) 581-6879 (modem at night, ans machine after 2 rings).

    Grant Gustafson (

    To send email, just click here: email to
    Link to Department of Mathematics, University of Utah