3150 Due Dates F2009 11:50am

Today: Thursday March 06: 19:06PM, 2025   Updated: Monday November 30: 16:13PM, 2009

Revised Due Dates 3150 F2009

  1. Nov 30
    Prob7.1-19 (Fourier Integral and Integration Formulas)
    Prob7.2-20 (Fourier Transform)
    Prob7.2-18a (Fourier Transform Rules)
    Prob7.2-18b (Fourier Transform Table)
  2. Dec 2
    Prob7.2-31a (Fourier Transform Calculus)
    Prob7.2-45 (Fourier Transform Convolution)
  3. Dec 7
    Prob7.3-1 (Fourier Transform Method Wave Equation)
    Prob7.3-4 (Fourier Transform Method Heat Equation)
  4. Chapters 1,2,3. Last possible date: Nov 25, under the door 113 JWB
    Xc1.2-4b (d'Alembert's Solution)
    Xc1.2-17b (Loudness)
    Xc2.1-8 (Periodic Functions)
    Xc2.1-18 (Change of Variables)
    Xc2.1-20 (Floor Function)
    Xc2.2-15 (Fourier Series Computation)
    Xc2.3-32 (Failure of Term-by-Term Differentiation)
    Xc2.3-34 (Term-by-Term Integration)
    Xc3.4-18 (Energy Conservation and d'Alembert's Solution)
    Xc3.7-12 (Heat Conduction in a Plate)
  5. Chapters 4,7. Last possible date: Dec 15, under the door 113 JWB
    Xc4.1-9 (Spherical Laplacian Symmetric Case)
    Xc4.2-12a (Series Identity for J_0(x))
    Xc4.2-12b (Bessel Function Identities)
    Xc4.3-13 (Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction)
    Xc4.4-11 (Dirichlet Series Formula)
    Xc7.2-31a (Fourier Transform Calculus)
    Xc7.2-47 (Fourier Transform Convolution)
    Xc7.3-17 (Fourier Transform Method Infinite Beam)
    Xc7.4-2 (Heat Kernel)
    Xc7.4-6 (Heat Kernel)
  6. 11 Dec, Office hours and lectures finished.
  7. Dec 14 to 18, Final Exam period.
    Final exam for the 11:50am class is Fri, Dec 18, 2009 from 10:30am to 12:30pm [LCB 225]
Tentative Dates for 3150 Submitted work F2009

Aug 31 or Sept 1 in 113 JWB
 Prob1.0-1 (Partial Derivatives)
 Prob1.0-2 (Jacobian)
 Prob1.0-3 (Directional Derivative)
Sept 2
 Prob1.0-4 (First Order ODE)
 Prob1.0-5 (Wronskian)
 Prob1.0-6 (Newton's Laws)
Sept 7
 Prob1.1-3 (PDE Solution)
 Prob1.1-6 (Change of Variables)
 Prob1.1-12 (Method of Characteristics)
Sept 9
 Prob1.2-4a (d'Alembert's Solution)
 Prob1.2-5 (Vibrating Infinite String)
Sept 14
 Prob1.2-17a (Vibrating Finite String)
Sept 16
 Prob2.0-1 (Trigonometric Identities and Integrals)
 Prob2.0-2 (Orthogonality)
Sept 21
 Prob2.1-1 (Periodic Functions)
 Prob2.1-8 (Sums of Periodic Functions)
Sept 23
 Prob2.2-5 (Fourier Series Partial Sum Plots)
 Prob2.2-8 (Fourier Series Computation and Graphics)
Sept 28
 Prob2.0-3 (Even and Odd Functions)
 Prob2.0-4 (Periodic Extensions)
Sept 30
 Prob2.3-7 (Fourier Series Arbitrary Period)
 Prob2.0-5 (Even and Odd Periodic Extensions)
Oct 5
 Prob2.0-6 (Dirichlet Kernel Identity)
 Prob2.4-7 (Half-Range Expansions)
 Prob2.4-15 (Half-Range Sine Expansion)
Oct 7
 Prob2.6-6 (Complex Fourier Series)
 Prob2.6-11 (Series Identities)
Oct 19
 Prob3.1-3 (Classification)
 Prob3.1-7 (Laplace Equation)
Oct 21
 Prob3.2-1 (Wave Equation)
 Prob3.3-9a (Separation of Variables)
 Prob3.3-9b (Snapshot Plots)
 Prob3.3-9c (Surface Plot)
Oct 26
 Prob3.3-13 (Damped Vibrations of a String)
 Prob3.4-15 (d'Alembert's Solution)
Oct 28
 Prob3.5-13 (Nonhomogeneous Heat Equation)
 Prob3.6-3 (Heat Conduction in an Insulated Bar)
Nov 2
 Prob3.7-5a (Vibrations of a Membrane)
 Prob3.7-5b (Membrane Snapshots)
Nov 4
 Prob3.7-12 (Heat Conduction in a Plate)
 Prob3.8-2 (Steady-State Temperature in a Plate)
Nov 9
 Prob3.9-3 (Poisson Problem)
 Prob4.1-5 (Laplacian in Spherical Coordinates)
 Prob4.0-1 (Power Series Method)
 Prob4.0-2 (Euler Differential Equation)
Nov 11
 Prob4.0-3 (Frobenius Method)
 Prob4.0-4 (Frobenius Method Case 3)
Nov 16
 Prob4.2-1 (Radially Symmetric Drumhead)
 Prob4.3-3 (Non-Symmetric
Nov 18
 Prob4.4-5 (Dirichlet Problem on a Disk)
 Prob4.4-15a (Exterior Dirichlet Problem on a Disk)
 Prob4.4-15b (Cartesian Coordinates)
Nov 23
 Prob4.4-15c (Isotherms)
 Prob7.1-8a (Fourier Integral Formulas)
 Prob7.1-8b (Fourier Integral Convergence)
Nov 25
 Prob7.1-19 (Fourier Integral and Integration Formulas)
 Prob7.2-20 (Fourier Transform)
Nov 30
 Prob7.2-18a (Fourier Transform Rules)
 Prob7.2-18b (Fourier Transform Table)
Dec 2
 Prob7.2-31a (Fourier Transform Calculus)
 Prob7.2-45 (Fourier Transform Convolution)
Dec 7
 Prob7.3-1 (Fourier Transform Method Wave Equation)
 Prob7.3-4 (Fourier Transform Method Heat Equation)

 Chapters 1,2,3. Last possible date: Nov 25, under the door 113 JWB
 Xc1.2-4b (d'Alembert's Solution)
 Xc1.2-17b (Loudness)
 Xc2.1-8 (Periodic Functions)
 Xc2.1-18 (Change of Variables)
 Xc2.1-20 (Floor Function)
 Xc2.2-15 (Fourier Series Computation)
 Xc2.3-32 (Failure of Term-by-Term Differentiation)
 Xc2.3-34 (Term-by-Term Integration)
 Xc3.4-18 (Energy Conservation and d'Alembert's Solution)
 Xc3.7-12 (Heat Conduction in a Plate)
Chapters 4,7. Last possible date: Dec 15, under the door 113 JWB
 Xc4.1-9 (Spherical Laplacian Symmetric Case)
 Xc4.2-12a (Series Identity for J_0(x))
 Xc4.2-12b (Bessel Function Identities)
 Xc4.3-13 (Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction)
 Xc4.4-11 (Dirichlet Series Formula)
 Xc7.2-31a (Fourier Transform Calculus)
 Xc7.2-47 (Fourier Transform Convolution)
 Xc7.3-17 (Fourier Transform Method Infinite Beam)
 Xc7.4-2 (Heat Kernel)
 Xc7.4-6 (Heat Kernel)

11 Dec, Office hours and lectures finished. 
Dec 14 to 18, Final Exam period. 
Final exam for the 11:50am class is 
 Fri, Dec 18, 2009 from 10:30am to 12:30pm [LCB 225]

Policy on Dailies: The highest 62 dailies will be counted. The lowest 4
of the 66 dailies will be dropped. Any record with less than 24 daily
and lab scores earns a grade of E, regardless of midterm and final exam
scores [Ch1+Ch2 is more than 24 scores]. Deadlines set at web site
www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/. Work not in the stack at the time of
grading earns a grade of zero. Extra credit exercises can correct these

Policy on Exams: The final exam is doubled before determining the exam
average, to count like two midterms.

Grading Scale:   A = 95-100, A- = 92-94, B+ = 88-91, B
= 84-87, B- = 80-83,  C+ = 75-79, C = 65-74, C- = 60-64.