Maple labs 2250 Spring 2007

Today: Thursday December 26: 19:14PM, 2024
Updated: Monday January 01: 03:15AM, 2007
  1. Maple Lab 1, Solving quadratics and plotting functions
    maple Lab 1 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    maple worksheet text Lab 1 Spring 2007 (txt)
  2. Maple Lab 2, Newton Cooling
    maple Lab 2 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    maple worksheet text Lab 2 Spring 2007
    For more on superposition y=y_p_ + y_h, see Theorem 2 in the link Linear DE part I (8 pages pdf)
    For more about home heating models, read the following link.
    Linear equation applications, brine tanks, home heating (typeset, 12 pages, pdf)
  3. Maple Lab 3, Numerical Solutions
    Maple Lab 3 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    Maple L3 snips Spring 2007 (maple text)
    Maple Worksheet files: In Mozilla firefox, save to disk using right-mouseclick and then "Save link as...". Some browsers require SHIFT and then mouse-click. Open the saved file in xmaple.
    Maple L3 snips worksheet Spring 2007 (maple .mws)
    Numerical DE coding hints (txt)
    The actual symbolic solution derivation and answer check are submitted as L3.1. Confused? Follow the details in the next link.
    Sample symbolic solution report for 2.4-3 (pdf 1 page, 120k)
    Do not submit any work for L3.1 with decimals! Only 1.4 methods are to appear.

    The numerical work, Euler, Heun, RK4 parts are L3.2, L3.3, L3.4.
    Confused about what to put in your L3.2 report? Do the same as what appears in the sample report for 2.4-3 (below).
    Sample Report for 2.4-3. Includes symbolic solution report. (pdf 3 pages, 350k)

    Numerical Solution of First Order DE (typeset, 19 pages, 220k pdf)
    Sample maple code for Euler, Heun, RK4 (maple .mws)
    Sample maple code for exact/error reporting (maple .mws)

    Additional references, probably not needed:
    Report details on 2.4,2.5,2.6 prob 6 (pdf)
    Report details on 2.4,2.5,2.6 prob 12 (pdf)
  4. Maple Lab 4, Numerical Solutions
    Maple Lab 4 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    Maple L4 snips Spring 2007 (maple text)
    Maple L4 snips worksheet Spring 2007 (maple .mws)
    The actual symbolic solution derivation and answer check are submitted as L4.1. Confused? Follow the details in the next link.
    Sample symbolic solution report for 2.4-3 (pdf 1 page, 120k)
    Do not submit any work for L3.1 with decimals! Only 1.4 methods are to appear.

    The numerical work, Euler, Heun, RK4 parts are L4.2, L4.3, L4.4. Modify your computer code for maple lab 3 to make a report for this part. To avoid doing unnecessary work, please read the problems carefully.
  5. Maple Lab 5, Matrix Algebra
    Maple Lab 5 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    maple worksheet text Lab 5 Spring 2007 (txt)
  6. Maple Lab 6, Mechanical Oscillations
    Frequently asked questions Lab 6 Spring 2007 (txt)
    Maple Lab 6 Spring 2007 (pdf)
    maple text Lab 6 Spring 2007 (txt)
    maple worksheet Lab 6 Spring 2007 (.mws)
  7. Optional Extra Credit Maple Lab 7: Tacoma Narrows L7.1, L7.2, L7.3
    Maple Lab 7 [optional] Spring 2007 (pdf)
    maple worksheet Lab 7 Spring 2007 (.mws)
    maple text Lab 7 Spring 2007 (txt)
    Tacoma Narrows page Fall 2004 Explanation of maple lab 6. Video clip. Photos. Don't use 2004 lab sources there!
  8. Optional Extra Credit maple Lab 8, Earthquakes L8.1, L8.2, L8.3, L8.4, L8.5, L8.6
    quake project Spring 2007 (pdf)
    quake project Spring 2007 maple worksheet (.mws)
    quake project Spring 2007 maple worksheet text (txt)