2250 due dates for submitted work [7:30am and 10:45am]

Last update: Thu Apr 22 10:50:02 MDT 2004

Due dates for 2250-1, 7:30am MWF

  1. 19 Apr (was 14 Apr) Page 393, 7.1: 10, 18
  2. 21 Apr (was 14 Apr) Page 408, 7.2: 8, 16
  3. 21 Apr (was 16 Apr) Page 421, 7.3: 6, 18
  4. 21 Apr (was 19 Apr) Page 422, 7.3: 28
  5. Never due (was 19 Apr) Page 429, 7.4: Ex 2 problem
  6. 23 Apr (was 21 Apr) Page 581, 10.1: 14, 18, 28
  7. 23 Apr (was 21 Apr) maple lab 3, 3.1,3.2,3.3 due.
  8. 26 Apr (was 23 Apr) Page 593, 10.2: 6, 12, 22
  9. 26 Apr: maple lab 3, 3.4,3.5,3.6 due.
  10. 28 Apr (was 26 Apr) Page 603, 10.3: 8, 18, 22, 38
  11. 4 May (was 28 Apr) Page 614, 10.4: 18
  12. Final Exam (2 hours) 2250-1 (7:30 class) 8:00-10:00 Tue 4 May

Due dates for 2250-2, 10:45am MWF

  1. 19 Apr (was 14 Apr) Page 393, 7.1: 10, 18
  2. 21 Apr (was 14 Apr) Page 408, 7.2: 8, 16
  3. 21 Apr (was 16 Apr) Page 421, 7.3: 6, 18
  4. 21 Apr (was 19 Apr) Page 422, 7.3: 28
  5. Never due (was 19 Apr) Page 429, 7.4: Ex 2 problem
  6. 23 Apr (was 21 Apr) Page 581, 10.1: 14, 18, 28
  7. 23 Apr (was 21 Apr) maple lab 3, 3.1,3.2,3.3 due.
  8. 26 Apr (was 23 Apr) Page 593, 10.2: 6, 12, 22
  9. 26 Apr: maple lab 3, 3.4,3.5,3.6 due.
  10. 28 Apr (was 26 Apr) Page 603, 10.3: 8, 18, 22, 38
  11. 4 May (was 28 Apr) Page 614, 10.4: 18
  12. Final Exam (2 hours) 2250-2 (10:45 class) 10:30-12:30 Mon 3 May

Important Due Date Deadlines for 2250-1 and 2250-2

  • Maple Labs (18 boxes)
    06 Feb Lab 1a Maple Intro 1.1, 1.2
    18 Feb Lab 1b Newton Cooling 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
    24 Mar Lab 2a Tacoma Narrows 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
    02 Apr Lab 2b Tacoma Narrows 2.5, 2.6
    21 Apr Lab 3a Earthquake I 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
    26 Apr Lab 3b Earthquake II 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
  • Chapter 1 (15 boxes)
    14 Jan Page 17, 1.2: 2
    21 Jan Page 17, 1.2: 6, 8, 10
    02 Feb Page 26, 1.3: 12, 18 (yes, February is correct)
    26 Jan Page 40, 1.4: 2, 6, 8, 18, 22
    28 Jan Page 53, 1.5: 2, 6, 12, 34
  • Chapter 2 (18 boxes)
    04 Feb Page 84, 2.1: 4, 16
    06 Feb Page 93, 2.2: 8, 10
    09 Feb Page 103, 2.3: 10, 20
    Double credit for 2.4, 2.5, 2.6
    13 Feb Page 113, 2.4: 4
    20 Feb Page 124, 2.5: 4
    23 Feb Page 135, 2.6: 4
    13 Feb Page 114, 2.4: 14
    20 Feb Page 124, 2.5: 14
    23 Feb Page 135, 2.6: 14
  • Chapter 3 (20 boxes)
    13 Feb Page 149, 3.1: 8, 16, 28
    18 Feb Page 160, 3.2: 8, 18, 26
    27 Feb Page 169, 3.3: 10, 18
    1 Mar Page 182, 3.4: 22, 26, 36, 40
    3 Mar Page 195, 3.5: 20, 28, 32
    5 Mar Page 213, 3.6: 4, 18, 32, 36, 52
  • Chapter 4 (13 boxes)
    8 Mar Page 237, 4.1: 16, 22, 32
    12 Mar Page 245, 4.2: 4, 16, 28
    22 Mar Page 254, 4.3: 18, 24
    24 Mar Page 261, 4.4: 6, 20
    26 Mar Page 270, 4.5: 10, 22, 26
  • Chapter 5 (23 boxes)
    26 Mar Page 284, 5.1: 34, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48
    29 Mar Page 297, 5.2: 14, 22
    29 Mar Page 310, 5.3: 4, 8, 14, 28
    31 Mar Page 320, 5.4: 4, 18
    5 Apr Page 336, 5.5: 4, 10, 24, 34, 48, 52
    7 Apr Page 348, 5.6: 4, 12, 18
  • Chapter 6 (6 boxes)
    12 Apr Page 362, 6.1: 12, 20, 32
    12 Apr Page 371, 6.2: 10, 22, 28
  • Chapter 7 (8 boxes)
    14 Apr Page 393, 7.1: 10, 18
    14 Apr Page 408, 7.2: 8, 16
    16 Apr Page 421, 7.3: 6, 18
    19 Apr Page 422, 7.3: 28
    19 Apr Page 429, 7.4: Ex 2 problem
  • Chapter 10 (11 boxes)
    21 Apr Page 581, 10.1: 14, 18, 28
    23 Apr Page 593, 10.2: 6, 12, 22
    26 Apr Page 603, 10.3: 8, 18, 22, 38
    28 Apr Page 614, 10.4: 18
  • Policy on Dailies: The highest 125 boxes will be counted. The lowest 7 of the 132 boxes will be dropped. Any record with less than 75 daily and lab scores earns a grade of E, regardless of midterm and final exam scores. Deadlines set at www.math.utah.edu/~gustafso/. Work not in the stack sent to the assistant is late and it earns a grade of zero.
  • Policy on Exams: The final exam is doubled before determining the exam average, to count like two midterms. The course grade is 30% dailies plus 70% midterm exams plus final exam.
  • Grading Scale: A = 95-100, A- = 92-94, B+ = 88-91, B = 84-87, B- = 80-83, C+ = 75-79, C = 65-74, C- = 60-64.
  • Final exam
    2250-2 (10:45 class) 10:30-12:30 Mon 3 May
    2250-1 (7:30 class) 8:00-10:00 Wed 4 May

    Old deadlines for 2250-1

    1. Submit by email a student profile. Submit a gradesheet to be filed in the 3-ring binder of records. Please attach by tape or glue a stamp-sized photo, e.g., cut out a photo from a group snapshot or xerox of an ID card. No email digitial photos, please!
      Maple lab 1a, 1b available at the www site. Distributed in class. Syllabus distributed in class is also at web site.
    2. Page 17, 1.2-2: due Wed Jan 14. For examples: Section 1.2 + Memorization PDF Document (3 pages, 300k)
      If not 100 percent, then REDO within 5 days.
    3. Wed 21 Jan Page 17, 1.2: 6, 8, 10
    4. Mon 26 Jan Page 40, 1.4: 2, 6, 8, 18, 22
      Link to lecture slides on 1.4:
      1.4 Page 40 Exercises PDF Document (4 pages, 500k)
      Separable Equations PDF Document (9 pages, 150k)
      Problem notes 1.4 (1 page, text)
    5. Wed 28 Jan Page 53, 1.5: 2, 6, 12, 34
      Linear factorization method slide, PDF (1 page, 50k)
    6. 02 Feb Page 26, 1.3: 12, 18 (yes, February is correct)
      How to write up problems 1.3-12, 1.3-18
      Problem notes 1.3 (1 page, text)
      Problem notes 1.3 (1 page, text)
    7. Take-home portion of midterm 1 (PDF)
      Error in data sets found Feb 4. Please add one zero to front of each data set. A new exam version will be distributed Friday. Right now, find it on the web site.
      New due date: Problem 1 exam 1 due Mon 9 Feb.
    8. 04 Feb Page 84, 2.1: 4, 16
    9. Sample in-class exam 1 available IMPORTANT Sample midterm 1 (PDF)
      In-class Exam 1 postponed until 13 Feb.
    10. 06 Feb Page 93, 2.2: 8, 10
    11. 09 Feb: Problem 1 exam 1 due. Staple separately. (postponed from 6 Feb)
      09 Feb: Problem 2 exam 1 due. Second stapled package.
    12. 11 Feb Page 103, 2.3: 10, 20. [was due 09 Feb, postponed]
    13. 13 Feb: In-class exam 1, 50 min.
    14. 18 Feb Page 113, 2.4: 4, 14.
      Report details on prob 4
      Report details on prob 14
      Numerical DE, PDF Document (19 pages, 220k)
      Numerical DE coding hints, TEXT Document (1 pages, 2k)
    15. 20 Feb Page 124, 2.5: 4, 14
      20 Feb Page 149, 3.1: 8, 16, 28. [was due 13 Feb, postponed]
    16. 23 Feb Page 135, 2.6: 4, 14
      23 Feb Page 160, 3.2: 8, 18, 26. [was due 18 Feb, postponed]
    17. 27 Feb Page 169, 3.3: 10, 18
      27 Feb Lab 1b Newton Cooling 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6. [was due 18 Feb, postponed]
    18. 1 Mar Page 182, 3.4: 22, 26, 36, 40
    19. 3 Mar Page 195, 3.5: 20, 28, 32
    20. 5 Mar Page 213, 3.6: 4, 18, 32, 36, 52 - postponed to 8 Mar
    21. 8 Mar Page 237, 4.1: 16, 22, 32 - postponed to 22 Mar
    22. 12 Mar Page 245, 4.2: 4, 16, 28 - postponed to 22 Mar
    23. 22 Mar Page 254, 4.3: 18, 24 - postponed to 24 Mar
    24. 24 Mar Page 261, 4.4: 6, 20
    25. 26 Mar Page 270, 4.5: 10, 22, 26
    26. 31 Mar Page 284, 5.1: 34, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48 - postponed from 26 Mar
    27. 31 Mar Page 297, 5.2: 14, 22 - postponed from 29 Mar
    28. 31 Mar Page 310, 5.3: 4, 8, 14, 28 - postponed from 29 Mar
    29. 5 Apr Page 320, 5.4: 4, 18 - postponed from 31 Mar
    30. 5 Apr Page 336, 5.5: 4, 10, 24, 34, 48, 52
      Problem notes 5.5 (1 page, text)
    31. 07 Apr Lab 2a Tacoma Narrows 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 - postponed from 24 Mar
    32. 7 Apr Page 348, 5.6: 4, 12, 18
    33. 12 Apr Exam 3 #1 due (take-home)
    34. 12 Apr Lab 2b Tacoma Narrows 2.5, 2.6 - postponed from 02 Apr
    35. 14 Apr Exam 3 #2 due (take-home)
    36. 14 Apr Page 362, 6.1: 12, 20, 32 - postponed from 12 Apr
    37. 14 Apr Page 371, 6.2: 10, 22, 28 - postponed from 12 Apr
    38. 16 Apr In-class Exam 3

    Old deadlines for 2250-2

    1. Submit by email a student profile. Submit a gradesheet to be filed in the 3-ring binder of records. Please attach by tape or glue a stamp-sized photo, e.g., cut out a photo from a group snapshot or xerox of an ID card. No email digitial photos, please!
      Maple lab 1a, 1b available at the www site. Distributed in class. Syllabus distributed in class is also at web site.
    2. Page 17, 1.2-2: due Wed Jan 14. For examples: Section 1.2 + Memorization PDF Document (3 pages, 300k)
      If not 100 percent, then REDO within 5 days.
    3. Wed 21 Jan Page 17, 1.2: 6, 8, 10
    4. Mon 26 Jan Page 40, 1.4: 2, 6, 8, 18, 22
      Link to lecture slides on 1.4:
      1.4 Page 40 Exercises PDF Document (4 pages, 500k)
      Separable Equations PDF Document (9 pages, 150k)
      Problem notes 1.4 (1 page, text)
    5. Wed 28 Jan Page 53, 1.5: 2, 6, 12, 34
      Linear factorization method slide, PDF (1 page, 50k)
    6. 02 Feb Page 26, 1.3: 12, 18 (yes, February is correct)
      How to write up problems 1.3-12, 1.3-18
      Problem notes 1.3 (1 page, text)
    7. Take-home portion of midterm 1 (PDF)
      Error in data sets found Feb 4. Please add one zero to front of each data set. A new exam version will be distributed Friday. Right now, find it on the web site.
      New due date: Problem 1 exam 1 due Mon 9 Feb.
    8. 04 Feb Page 84, 2.1: 4, 16
    9. Sample in-class exam 1 available IMPORTANT Sample midterm 1 (PDF)
      In-class Exam 1 postponed until 13 Feb.
    10. 06 Feb Page 93, 2.2: 8, 10
    11. 09 Feb: Problem 1 exam 1 due. Staple separately. (postponed from 6 Feb)
      09 Feb: Problem 2 exam 1 due. Second stapled package.
    12. 11 Feb Page 103, 2.3: 10, 20. [was due 09 Feb, postponed]
    13. 13 Feb: In-class exam 1, 50 min.
    14. 18 Feb Page 113, 2.4: 4, 14.
      Report details on prob 4
      Report details on prob 14
      Numerical DE, PDF Document (19 pages, 220k)
      Numerical DE coding hints, TEXT Document (1 pages, 2k)
    15. 20 Feb Page 124, 2.5: 4, 14
      20 Feb Page 149, 3.1: 8, 16, 28. [was due 13 Feb, postponed]
    16. 23 Feb Page 135, 2.6: 4, 14
      23 Feb Page 160, 3.2: 8, 18, 26. [was due 18 Feb, postponed]
    17. 27 Feb Page 169, 3.3: 10, 18
      27 Feb Lab 1b Newton Cooling 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6. [was due 18 Feb, postponed]
    18. 1 Mar Page 182, 3.4: 22, 26, 36, 40
    19. 3 Mar Page 195, 3.5: 20, 28, 32
    20. 5 Mar Page 213, 3.6: 4, 18, 32, 36, 52 - postponed to 8 Mar
    21. 8 Mar Page 237, 4.1: 16, 22, 32 - postponed to 22 Mar
    22. 12 Mar Page 245, 4.2: 4, 16, 28 - postponed to 22 Mar
    23. 22 Mar Page 254, 4.3: 18, 24 - postponed to 24 Mar
    24. 24 Mar Page 261, 4.4: 6, 20
    25. 26 Mar Page 270, 4.5: 10, 22, 26
    26. 31 Mar Page 284, 5.1: 34, 36, 38, 40, 44, 48 - postponed from 26 Mar
    27. 31 Mar Page 297, 5.2: 14, 22 - postponed from 29 Mar
    28. 31 Mar Page 310, 5.3: 4, 8, 14, 28 - postponed from 29 Mar
    29. 5 Apr Page 320, 5.4: 4, 18 - postponed from 31 Mar
    30. 5 Apr Page 336, 5.5: 4, 10, 24, 34, 48, 52
    31. 07 Apr Lab 2a Tacoma Narrows 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 - postponed from 24 Mar
      Problem notes 5.5 (1 page, text)
    32. 7 Apr Page 348, 5.6: 4, 12, 18
    33. 12 Apr Exam 3 #1 due (take-home)
    34. 12 Apr Lab 2b Tacoma Narrows 2.5, 2.6 - postponed from 02 Apr
    35. 14 Apr Exam 3 #2 due (take-home)
    36. 14 Apr Page 362, 6.1: 12, 20, 32 - postponed from 12 Apr
    37. 14 Apr Page 371, 6.2: 10, 22, 28 - postponed from 12 Apr
    38. 16 Apr In-class Exam 3