The University of Utah

Radio & Web Interviews


10. Science360 Radio, AMS Mathematical Moments: NSF-funded Ken Golden, mathematician and adventurer, explains the mathematics of sea ice and how his findings relate to climate change, 2015


9. Public Radio International, A scientist unlocks one of the mysteries of Arctic ice melt, December 2014


8. Ken Golden isn’t your typical mathematician. He’s the Indiana Jones of Mathematics. He gets up from behind his desk, armed with mathematical theory and gets out into the world, having adventures and finding unifying math behind seemingly unconnected subjects. In this episode, we find him out on the Arctic sea ice drawing on math developed for stealth technology to understand not only the ice, but the bones of people with osteoporosis. This episode was produced by Ben Harden in 2014 for PRX’s STEM Story Project. It was hosted for this episode of Transistor by Genevieve Sponsler and mixed for Transistor by Erika Lantz, 2014

7. Swiss Public Radio, Trip to Alaska, On the Trail of Climate Change. Three half-hour segments on sea ice field work in the Arctic Ocean off Barrow, AK, August 2013.





6. WCME Radio Maine, interviewed about sea ice and climate change by R. Kazimer, April 2013.


5. Ken Golden talks with AMS Public Awareness Officer Mike Breen about his address at the 2013 Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 2013.


4. Interview on 103.8 Dubai Eye, United Arab Emirates. In the afternoon preceding his evening Public Lecture on climate change and sea ice at NYU Abu Dhabi, Professor Golden shares details of his research concerning the dramatic decline of the summer Arctic sea ice pack, probably the most visible, large-scale change on Earth’s surface in recent years. He has also journeyed on six Antarctic and six Arctic expeditions to study sea ice. January 19, 2011.


3. Listen to weekly updates on the Math-pedition with Tim Hughes, host of KSL Outdoors. The program airs Saturdays from 6:00 to 8:00AM on 1160 AM and 102.7 FM in Salt Lake City.  Skycall Communications provided the Antarctica team with a satellite phone and aims to connect with the team weekly while on they’re on the ice. There are five interviews with the team, broadcast November 13, 20, 27 and December 4 and 11, 2010.







2. Mathematical Moments from the American Mathematical Society. Listen to a four part interview with Professor Golden, September 2008.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


1. Listen to a radio interview with Professor Golden, via satellite phone from an Australian icebreaker in the Antarctic sea ice pack.

The Mathematics of Sea Ice, Dan Bammes, KUER, Salt Lake City, UT Making useful observations of the earth from satellites requires understanding what you're looking at -- and that's why University of Utah mathematics professor Ken Golden is on a ship in the Antarctic looking at sea ice up close. Golden is spending a month-long voyage measuring the flow of brine through the ice and creating mathematical models that will be used to study global warming and other phenomena. He spoke to KUER's Dan Bammes. Golden's research on brine movement through sea ice is published in the current issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters. September 2007


Professor Ken Golden

Kenneth M. Golden

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Office: LCB 328
Dept. Phone: (801) 581-6851

University of Utah
Department of Mathematics
155 S. 1400 E. RM 233
Salt Lake City, UT
84112-0090 USA