Underlined topics are singled out as extremely important to understand.
These are the topics that usually give students a hard time, but are
essential to understand the rest
of the material!
You don't have to type the data by hand for software homework problems.
Here's where you can find excel files with data in them,
for the software homework problems. Go to
the folder with the appropriate chapter
number, then to the appropriate exercise. Sometimes, the
exercise is
not there, but that's because the data is from a table. So then look for
the appropriate table.
Here is the formula sheet
that you will have during exams.
It also has the necessary tables that appear in the book.
Week 1 January 10, 12, 14 |
Chapter 1 - What is statistics, individuals and variables, type of variables, distributions and their representations (pie charts, bar graphs, histograms, time plots) (stem plots are skipped) [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapter 2 - Numerical summary of a distribution (mean, median, quartiles, boxplot, outliers, variance and standard deviation) (Homework is essential for understanding.) [powerpoint] [pdf] [No Homework this week] |
Monday, January 17 | MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY |
Wednesday, January 19 | Last day to drop |
Week 2 January 19, 21 |
Chapter 2 - Numerical summary of a distribution (mean, median, quartiles, boxplot, outliers, variance and standard deviation) (Homework is essential for understanding.) [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Using Excel: entering data, saving files, drawing pie charts, etc, computing means, medians, etc. (SUM, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, QUARTILE, MIN, MAX, STDEV, SQRT, FREQUENCY) Exercises: 1.2, 1.12, 2.31, 2.35, 2.45. Solutions: 1.2, 1.12, 2.31, 2.35, 2.45. [Basic Excel Tutorial] [Excel Basics] [Keyboard Shortcuts] [Copy and Paste] [Formulas and Copying] [Functions] [Range] [Freezing] [Locking] [Copy/Cut Formulas] [Charts] [Charts 2] [Pie Charts] [Histograms] [Printing] [Homework 1 (due Monday January 24)] |
Week 3 January 24, 26, 28 |
Chapter 3 - Normal curve, area under curve, reverting to standard normal,
Finding normal proportions, finding normal percentiles [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Normal computations (NORMSDIST, NORMSINV) Exercies: 3.27, 3.29, 3.31, 3.37, 3.39, 3.49 Solutions: 3.27-3.39, 3.49 [Homework 2 (due Monday January 31)] |
Week 4 January 31 February 2, 4 |
Chapter 4 - Explanatory and response variables, scatter plots, association, correlation [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Computing correlation and plotting scatter plots (CORREL) Exercises: 4.27, 4.29, 4.31, 4.33. Solutions: 4.27, 4.29, 4.31, 4.33. [Homework 3 (due Monday February 7)] |
Week 5 February 7, 9, 11 |
Chapter 5 - Regression, linear regression, least squares, error,
Residuals, outliers, caution of linear regression [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Find regression line, interpret it, and apply to prediction (SLOPE, INTERCEPT, FORECAST, Trend Line) Exercises: 5.53 Solutions: 5.53 [Homework 4 (due Monday February 14)] |
Week 6 February 14, 16, 18 |
Chapter 8 - Population vs. sample, simple random samples, sampling issues, inference from sample to population [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapter 9 - Collecting data: observing vs. experimenting [powerpoint] [pdf] [Homework 5 (due Wednesday February 23)] |
Monday, February 21 | PRESIDENT'S DAY (office hour moved to Wednesday, same time) |
Week 7 February 23, 25 |
Chapter 10 - What is probability theory about, relative frequency, probability rules (between 0 and 1, sums up to 1, disjoint events, complements) (clarify typical switching between probabilities and percentages) [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapter 11 - Parameters, statistic, sampling distribution (using sample mean as concrete example), The law of large numbers, sampling distribution, mean and variance of sample mean, central limit theorem [powerpoint] [pdf] [Homework 6 (due Friday March 4)] |
Monday, February 28 | Exam 1 - Chapters 1-8 (office hour moved to Wednesday, same time) [Copy] [Take-home] (Due Wednesday March 2) |
Week 8 March 2, 4 |
Chapter 11 - Parameters, statistic, sampling distribution (using sample mean as concrete example),
The law of large numbers, sampling distribution, mean and variance of sample mean, central limit theorem [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapter 14 - What is inference, point estimate vs. confidence interval Chapter 15 - z-score and confidence interval for the mean Chapter 14 - What a confidence interval means [powerpoint] [pdf] [Confidence Interval Applet] [Homework 7 (due Monday March 7)] |
Friday, March 4 | Last day to withdraw |
Week 9 March 7, 9, 11 |
Chapter 15 - What is a test of significance (null, alternate, p-value, CONCLUSION) (one-sided vs. two-sided), z-test,
Confidence interval vs. hypothesis testing, conditions for inference, caution, alpha-significance vs. p-value [powerpoint] [pdf] [Homework 8 (due Monday March 14)] |
Week 10 March 14, 16, 18 |
Chapter 17 - Conditions for inference, t-score and t-test [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapters 14-17 - Putting it all together: CI or test of significance?, z or t?, steps?, CONCLUSION Excel - z-score, t-score, p-values (NORMSDIST, NORMSINV, TDIST, TINV) Exercises: 17.39, 14.51, 14.53 16.44, 16.47, 17.31 Solutions: 17.39, 14.51, 14.53, 16.44, 16.47, 17.31 [Homework 9 (due Monday March 28)] |
March 21, 23, 25 | SPRING BREAK |
Week 11 March 28, 30 April 1 |
Chapter 18 - Two-sample tests for sample mean [powerpoint] [pdf] Chapter 19 - Proportion vs. sample mean, inference, confidence interval, sample size [powerpoint] [pdf] [No Homework this week] |
Week 12 April 4, 6, 8 |
Chapter 19 - Proportion vs. sample mean, inference, confidence interval, sample size [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - z-score, t-score, p-values Exercises: 17.41, 17.33, 17.45, 18.37, 19.25, 19.41, 19.44 Solutions: 17.41, 17.33, 17.45, 18.37 Chapter 22 - Two-way tables, conditional distributions, chi-square test, Chi-square requirements, goodness-of-fit [powerpoint] [pdf] [Homework 10 (due Monday April 11)] |
Week 13 April 11, 13 |
Chapter 22 - Two-way tables, conditional distributions, chi-square test,
Chi-square requirements, goodness-of-fit [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Building two-way tables, chi-square-score, p-value (CHIDIST, CHIINV) Exercises: 22.29, 22.34 Solutions: 22.29, 22.34 [Homework 11 (due Monday April 18)] |
Friday, April 15 | Exam 2 - Chapters 9-19
[Copy] |
Week 14 April 18, 20 |
Chapter 24 - Analysis of Variance idea, ANOVA F-test and F-statistic,
ANOVA assumptions, confidence intervals [powerpoint] [pdf] [F table 1] [F table 2] Excel - Standard errors, F-score (DEVSQ, FDIST, FINV) Exercises: 24.33 Solutions: 24.33 [Homework 12 (due Monday April 25)] |
Friday, April 22 | NO CLASS |
Week 16 April 25, 27 |
Chapter 25 - Parametric vs. non-parametric tests, sign test,
Ranking, two-sample non-parametric Wilkoxon test [Book Chapter] [powerpoint] [pdf] Excel - Ranking, z-score, p-value (RANK) Exercises: 25.45, 25.51 Solutions: 25.45, 25.51 [Homework 13 (due Monday May 2)] |
Thursday May 5 1pm-3pm |
Final Exam - Chapters 1-25 [Take-home] (Due Thursday May 5) |