Dec 8 2007 |
- Typo: One of your colleagues pointed a typo in the mock exam that
I posted online. In the solution to problem 1.b. the y component of r'(t) should be 10/(2*sqrt(10*t)) and not 5/(2*sqrt(10*t)). The corrected version is here: final_practice.pdf
Dec 6 2007 |
Reminder: The final exam is Monday Dec 10, 6pm-8pm in LCB 219.
- The mock exam (+ correction) that we went over on Wed Dec 5 is available
here: final_practice.pdf.
Nov 30 2007 |
- Homework assignment #10 is due on Monday Dec 3. It is optional and will count as extra credit for up to half of a normal
homework. It consists of 5 exercises:
14.2: 7, 19
14.3: 3, 13
14.4: 1 (a direct application of Green's Theorem (Theorem 14.4.A))
- The program until the final is:
Mon 12/3: Collect HW10. Green's Theorem in the plane. Midterm #3 correction.
Wed 12/5: Get graded HW10 back. Review session for the final (we will go over a mock final exam).
Mon 12/10: Final exam (the conditions of the exam will be announced shortly).
Nov 16 2007 |
- Here is a little write up that shows how thinking about the order of
integation first can simplify your life when evaluating triple integrals:
13_7_21.pdf. It is a good exercise to verify
that the different iterated integrals there represent the same triple
- And here are the Matlab files that I used in class to demonstrate
transformations from the plane to the plane (change of variables):
cov3.m, and
Nov 12 2007 |
- Homework Assignemnt #9 is due on Monday Nov 19 2007 and
contains 8 exercises.
13.5: 8
13.6: 13, 15
13.7: 25, 27
13.8: 9, 11, 21
- Midterm #3 will be on Wed Nov 28, during class time and will
cover Chapter 13. There will be a review on Mon Nov 26. More details on the
last midterm will follow.
- As a reminder the final exam is on Mon Dec 10 2007, at 6pm.
This will be a comprehensive exam, i.e. it covers all the material we've
seen in class. Our last class on Wed Dec 5 2007 will be a review.
Oct 29 2007 |
- Homework assignment #8 is due on Mon. November 12 2007. It
consists of 9 exercises. More than half of the problems have solutions in
the book, this should help you avoid calculation errors. The answer to
13.3.22 can be easily checked using (area of base) x height / 3.
13.2: 10, 23
13.3: 7, 15, 22, 34
13.4: 5, 9 (see page 544 Example 3), 20
- Office hours on F 11/9 and M 11/12 are cancelled.
Substitute office hours: on Th 11/8 10am-11am, and on M 11/12 2pm-3pm.
- I will give back your midterm #2 on Wednesday.
Oct 22 2007 |
- Homework assignment #7 is due on Wed. October 24 2007. This is an
extra credit assignment (worth one half of a normal assignment) that
I recommend you do as practice for the Midterm. It is only one
exercise: 12.9.22.
- There will be no office hours on Wed. October 24 2007, since I am
out of town to give a talk. I will be back in time for class though.
Oct 15 2007 |
- Homework assignment #6 is due on Monday October 22 and consists of 11
12.6: 2, 12, 22
12.7: 4, 10, 16, 22
12.8: 4, 12, 16, 35
(note on problem 12.8.35: only the way to get to the answer will be
evaluated, not the answer itself, as it is given in the book)
- Midterm #2: will be on Wed October 31 at the regular class
time and location (6pm-7:30pm, LCB219). The program is Chapter 12, and there
will be a review session on Mon October 29. The test conditions will be the
same as for Midterm #1, except that a calculator will be allowed. Any
calculator with scientific functions should be enough.
- Midterm evaluations: Look for an e-mail from the University of
Utah Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence for further instructions.
The evaluation is a simplified version of the evaluation at the end of the
semester and runs from 10/15 to 10/22.
Oct 1st 2007 |
- Homework assignment #5 is due on October 15 (Monday after the fall break)
12.3: 30
12.4: 4, 8, 18, 22
12.5: 6, 12, 14, 20, 30
- The Matlab files that I used in class today are here: tgtplane.m which illustrates a tangent plane to a
surface and gradfield.m for a gradient
- The office hours of Friday Oct 4th are moved to Thursday Oct 3rd
at the same time. There will be no office hours during the fall break.
Questions by
email are welcome anytime (including during the break).
Sept 24 2007 |
- Homework assignment #4 is due on October 1st 2007.
12.1: 10, 20, 32
12.2: 16, 18, 34, 46a
12.3: 2, 6, 12
Sept 17 2007 |
The midterm of Wednesday September 19 is on Chapter 11 and
will take place at the usual class time/location (6pm-7:30pm,
LCB 219). Here are some guidelines for the exam:
- Test problems will be along the lines of the textbook
examples and homework problems. Please see the sample test
problems that appear at the end of Chapter 11 (pp 614 --
- The test will be 1.5 hours long
- No calculators are allowed. The objective of the test is to
find out if you understand the methods and concepts, so you
will not be heavily penalized for little calculation
- A one sided, letter size (8.5" x 11"), handwritten, formula
sheet is allowed, with reasonably sized font. Books
(including the textbook) are NOT allowed.
- Some students asked me about the possibility of taking the
test earlier on Wednesday (4pm-5:30pm). If you are
interested and really need to take the test earlier, please
let me know by email as soon as possible
- There will be no office hours on Friday Sept 21. If you
have questions about Chapter 11, please feel free to email
me or come by my office.
Sept 6 2007 |
- Homework assignment #3 is short, and is due W Sept 12 in class.
11.7: 12, 18, 36, 46, 56, 60
Sept 3 2007 |
I will be out of town for the lectures of W Sept 5 and M Sept 10. These
lectures will be given by Dan Ciubotaru.
- Prof. Ciubotaru will return the graded HW1 and collect HW2, which is
still due on W Sept 5.
- There will be a short HW3 assigned on W Sept 5 (covering only 11.7). There will be no homework assigned on W Sept 12.
- The midterm exam will be delayed to W Sept 19, with the lecture on M Sept 17 being a review of the material covered by the exam.
- The office hours are cancelled up to M Sept 10. However, if you have questions please feel free to email me.
Aug 30 2007 |
- Adeel will be giving weekly group tutoring sessions
scheduled on Thursdays 6pm, room 152 of the Benny Rushing Mathematics Center
(adjacent to LCB and JWB). The first session is next week (Sept 6).
Aug 29 2007 |
- Homework #2, due W 09/05 in class.
11.4: 2, 4, 8, 18, 36
11.5: 6, 10, 12, 28, 40
11.6: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 24, 30
11.7: 6
- Here are the curvature circle demos that I ran today. These are programs
written for Matlab (or the open source alternative Octave): curv1.m (parabola) and curv2.m
(ellipse). NOTE: there will be no Matlab assignments, so it's completely
optional to look at these.
Aug 22 2007 |
- Homework #1, due W 08/29 in class. (references relative to ninth edition of textbook).
11.1: 8, 14, 16, 18, 22, 28
11.2: 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18
11.3. 6, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 26, 32, 34, 44, 54, 56, 66, 68, 74
General guidelines: Show your work. A right answer
without proper explanation or the manipulations that lead to it, will not
count for full credit. You may work in groups, however you must submit your
own writeup of the solution.
- Homework problem sets will be posted online, after class. Unless noted
otherwise, homework is due in class.
- Let me know if you have problems registering for the class because it is
- The Mathematics tutoring
center offers free, drop-in tutoring for students enrolled in
this class. Hours are M-Th 8am-8pm, and F 8am-6pm (closed on weekends and
university holidays). Group tutoring and group study rooms are available.
Check the link above for more information. If there is enough interest, we
can setup a regular (weekly) tutoring session.
Aug 20 2007 |
Homework assignments will be given in class, on
this webpage and by email. Other announcements such as office hour changes,
will go here also.
Homework, exams and withdrawal policies
- Homeworks 30%, Final 30%, Midterms 40%
- Expect one weekly homework assignment. No late homework will be
accepted, but the two lowest homework scores will be dropped when finding the
homework mean for the term.
- Three midterms, tentatively on Monday Sep 17, Wednesday Oct 24 and
Wednesday Nov 26.
- Final exam date: Monday Dec 10 6pm-8pm in LCB219.
- See the following links for the University of Utah withdrawal policy and the Fall 2007 academic calendar.
Students with Disabilities
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs,
services and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need
accommodations in the class, reasonable prior notice needs to be given to the
Center for Disability Services, 162 Olpin Union Building, 581-5020 (V/TDD).
CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for
All written information in this course can be made available in alternative
format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services.
Also, please let me know at the beginning of the course, should you need
special accomodations.
Tentative Calendar
M Aug 20 | 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 |
Cartesian coordinates, vectors, dot product. |
W Aug 22 | 11.4, 11.5 |
Cross product, vector valued functions. |
M Aug 27 | 11.5, 11.6 |
Curvilinear motion, lines, and tangent lines. |
W Aug 29 | 11.7 |
Curvature and acceleration. |
M Sep 3 | Labor day |
W Sep 5 | 11.8 |
Surfaces in dimension three. |
M Sep 10 | 11.8, 11.9 |
Cylindrical and spherical coordinates. |
W Sep 12 | Review |
M Sep 17 | Midterm exam |
W Sep 19 | 12.1, 12.2 |
Multivariate functions, partial derivatives |
M Sep 24 | 12.3 |
Limits and continuity. |
W Sep 26 | 12.4, 12.5, 12.6 |
Differentiability, directional derivatives and
gradients, the chain rule. |
M Oct 1 | 12.7 |
Tangent planes and approximations. |
W Oct 3 | 12.8, 12.9 |
Maxima and minima, Lagrange multipliers. |
M Oct 8 | Fall break |
W Oct 10 | Fall break |
M Oct 15 | 13.1, 13.2 |
Double integrals over rectangles, iterated integrals. |
W Oct 17 | 13.3 |
Integrals over non-rectangular regions. |
M Oct 22 | Review |
W Oct 24 | Midterm exam |
M Oct 29 | 13.4, 13.5, 13.6 |
Double integrals in polar coordinates, applications,
surface area. |
W Oct 31 | 13.7, 13.8 |
Triple integrals (cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical coordinates). |
M Nov 5 | 13.9 |
Change of variables in multiple integrals. |
W Nov 7 | 14.1, 14.2 |
Vector fields, line integrals. |
M Nov 12 | 14.3 |
Path independence of line integrals |
W Nov 14 | 14.4 |
Green's theorem in the plane. |
M Nov 19 | 14.5 |
Surface integrals. |
W Nov 21 | Review |
M Nov 26 | Midterm exam |
W Nov 28 | 14.6 |
Gauss's divergence theorem. |
M Dec 3 | 14.7 |
Stokes theorem. Review for final. |
W Dec 5 | Review |
M Dec 10 | Final exam. |