Project 2, Math 6070-1, Spring 2006
Department of Mathematics, University of Utah
- Use simulation to construct a table of probabilities for the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic Dn(F), where F is continuous.
Your table should be at the very least good enough for the needs of
the following exercise.
- Study the following raw data set: bodyfat.txt.
It is borrowed from StatLib (http://lib.stat.cmu.edy/datasets).
Perform at least three different tests to see if the variable "density
determined from underwater weighing" is normally distributed. At least one
of your tests should involve the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic Dn. In addition
to performing tests of statistical hypothesis, I want to see in-depth
data-analysis: Plot; analyse carefully; compare to case-studies (if applicable);
etc. I expect that you will take the latter portion very seriously.
The previous caveats about using canned packages apply: You should write your
own routines in as much as possible. [However, it is OK to use very hard-to-code
algorithms that do histograms, qqplots, etc. Please use sound judgement.]
The previous caveats about report-writing apply also. Exercise high standards of