Math 5010-1, University of Utah, Spring 2006
Introductory Probability: Midterm Dates

All midterms are given in the regular lecture room. The lowest midterm
score is dropped; the best three scores count for 25% of the grade each.


Midterm #1...........................January 27, 2006 
(Exam statistics)

Midterm #2...........................February 17, 2006
(Exam statistics)

Midterm #3...........................March 10, 2006
(Exam statistics)

Midterm #4...........................April 7, 2006 (please note the correction!)
(Exam statistics)

syllabus | lecture schedule | homework | drop/withdrawal dates | ada | disclaimer
155 South 1400 East, Room 102, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, Tel:+1 801 581 3896, Fax:+1 801 581 4148

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