GLE main file
Compute various physical quantities (MSD, IncACF, FPT) for a spherical particle freely diffusing in a Generalize Rouse model. The particle's motion is described using a GLE.
Warning: no path data is saved.
Christel Hohenegger
Last updated: 06/01/2016
is the Rouse exponent
- radius is the radius of the particle in microns
- width is the width of the layer in microns
- number of time steps and time steps for the ACF are given in milliseconds
- MSDMat: MSD array (time, alpha, radius, kernels)
- VelACFMat: Inc ACF array (lag, alpha, radius, kernels)
- stdFPTMat: standard deviation of the first passage time (used for error bars plotting)
- FPTMat: FPT array (width, time, alpha, radius, kernels)
- Survivors: Relative number of survivors (width, time, alpha, radius, kernels)
clearvars close all alpha = [2]; numKernels = [4 16]; radius = [1 0.5 2]; numTsteps = 2^13; numTACF = 2^3; width = (0.1:0.05:2); % Allow the user to decide to plot the mean square displacement (MSD), the % increment autocorelation (ACF) or the mean first passage time (FPT) promptMSD = input('Do you want to plot the MSD [y]/n? ','s'); if isempty(promptMSD) promptMSD = 'y'; end promptIncACF = input('Do you want to plot the increment ACF [y]/n? ','s'); if isempty(promptIncACF) promptIncACF = 'y'; end promptMFPT = input('Do you want to plot the mean FPT [y]/n? ','s'); if isempty(promptMFPT) promptMFPT = 'y'; end fprintf('\n') MSDMat = NaN(numTsteps,length(alpha),length(radius),length(numKernels)); VelACFMat = NaN(numTACF-1,length(alpha),length(radius),length(numKernels)); meanFPTMat = NaN(length(width),length(alpha),length(radius),... length(numKernels)); stdFPTMat = NaN(length(width),length(alpha),length(radius),... length(numKernels)); FPTMat = NaN(length(width),numTsteps+1,length(alpha),length(radius),... length(numKernels)); Survivors = NaN(length(width),numTsteps+1,length(alpha),length(radius),... length(numKernels));
Generate data using SimManager
Order of operations:
- define a general sim with the given parameters
- generate the other physical parameters, override them is necessarily
- calculate the residue
- generate the covariance matrix
- generate the paths
- find the quantity of interest
for iindex = 1:length(alpha) alphaVal = alpha(iindex); fprintf('Working on i: %d.\n',iindex) for jindex = 1:length(radius) radiusVal = radius(jindex); fprintf('Workind on j: %d.\n',jindex) for kindex = 1:length(numKernels) fprintf('Working on k: %d.\n',kindex) numK = numKernels(kindex); if (strcmp(promptMSD,'y')||strcmp(promptIncACF,'y')) sim = SimManager(radiusVal,numK,alphaVal,numTsteps); sim.GenerateParameters; sim.parameters.dt = 0.01; sim.parameters.time = (0:sim.parameters.numTsteps)... *sim.parameters.dt; sim.ResidueCalc; sim.GenerateCovMat; sim.GeneratePaths; if strcmp(promptMSD,'y') sim.FindMSD; MSDMat(:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataMSD; else sim.FindVelACF(numTACF); VelACFMat(:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataVelACF; end end if strcmp(promptMFPT,'y') numTsteps = 2^13; sim = SimManager(radiusVal,numK,alphaVal,numTsteps); sim.GenerateParameters; sim.parameters.numPaths = 3e3; sim.ResidueCalc; sim.GenerateCovMat; sim.GeneratePaths; sim.FindMFPT(width); FPTMat(:,:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataFPT; Survivors(:,:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataSurvivors; meanFPTMat(:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataMFPT; stdFPTMat(:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = sim.dataSMFPT; end end end end
Legends might need to be changed. List of figures
- MSD for different number of kernels (default radius and
- MSD for different
and number of kernels (default radius)
- MSD for different radius and number of kernels (default
- IncACF for different
and number of kernels (default radius)
- MFPT for different number of kernels (default
and radius) rescaled to minutes
- MFPT for different number of kernels (default
and radius) rescaled to minutes with 95\% confidence intervals (commented out)
- MFPT for different number of kernels and radius (default
) rescaled to minutes with 95\% confidence intervals (commented out)
if strcmp(promptMSD,'y') time = sim.parameters.time; figure(1) loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,1,1,:)),'LineWidth',1.5) xlabel('Time [ms]','FontSize',12) ylabel('MSD [micron^2]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend('N = 1','N = 5', 'N = 20', 'N = 40','Location','NorthWest') xlim([0 max(time)]) figure(2) loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,:,1,1)),'LineWidth',1.5) hold all loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,:,1,4)),'LineWidth',1.5) xlabel('Time [ms]','FontSize',12) ylabel('MSD [micron^2]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend( '\alpha = 2, N = 1', '\alpha = 4, N = 1', ... '\alpha = 2, N = 40', '\alpha = 4, N = 40',... 'Location','NorthWest') xlim([0 max(time)]) figure(3) loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,1,:,1)).*repmat(radius,numTsteps,... 1),'LineWidth',1.5) % loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,1,:,1)),'LineWidth',1.5) hold all loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,1,:,4)).*repmat(radius,numTsteps,... 1),'LineWidth',1.5) % loglog(time(2:end),squeeze(MSDMat(:,1,:,4)),'LineWidth',1.5) xlabel('Time [ms]','FontSize',12) ylabel('MSD [micron^2]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend('r = 1, N = 1', 'r = 0.5, N = 1', 'r = 2, N = 1', ... 'r = 1, N = 40','r = 0.5, N = 40', 'r = 2, N = 40', ... 'Location','NorthWest') xlim([0 max(time)]) end if strcmp(promptIncACF,'y') figure(4) timeACF = (0:(numTACF-2)); plot(timeACF,squeeze(VelACFMat(:,1,1,:)),'-o',... 'MarkerSize',8,'LineWidth',1.5,'MarkerFaceColor','auto') hold plot(timeACF,squeeze(VelACFMat(:,2,1,:)),'-o',... 'MarkerSize',8,'LineWidth',1.5,'MarkerFaceColor','auto') xlabel('Time Lag [ms]','FontSize',12) ylabel('Increment ACF','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend('\alpha = 2, N = 1','\alpha = 2, N = 5', '\alpha = 2, N = 20',... '\alpha = 2, N = 40','\alpha = 4, N = 1','\alpha = 4, N = 5', ... '\alpha = 4, N = 20','\alpha = 4, N = 40','Location','NorthEast') end if strcmp(promptMFPT,'y') errorMat = 2.8*stdFPTMat/sqrt(sim.parameters.numPaths); errorMat = errorMat*1e-3/60; meanFPTMatMin = meanFPTMat*1e-3/60; figure(5) plot(width,squeeze(meanFPTMatMin(:,1,1,:)),'-o') errorbar(repmat(width',1,length(numKernels)),..., squeeze(meanFPTMatMin(:,1,1,:)),squeeze(errorMat(:,1,1,:))) xlabel('Width [micron]','FontSize',12) ylabel('Mean First Passage Time [minutes]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) xlim([0.05 2.05]) legend('N = 1','N = 2', 'N = 4', 'N = 8','N = 16','Location','NorthWest') %{ figure(6) plot(width,squeeze(meanFPTMat(:,2,1,:)),'-o') errorbar(repmat(width',1,4),squeeze(meanFPTMat(:,2,1,:)),... squeeze(errorMat(:,2,1,:))) xlabel('Width [micron]','FontSize',12) ylabel('Mean First Passage Time [minutes]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend('N = 1','N = 5', 'N = 20', 'N = 40','Location','NorthWest') figure(7) plot(width,meanFPTMat(:,1,:,1),'-o') errorbar(repmat(width,1,4),squeeze(meanFPTMat(:,1,:,1)),... squeeze(errorMat(:,1,:,1))) hold all plot(width,meanFPTMat(:,1,:,4),'-o') errorbar(repmat(widcloseth,1,4),squeeze(meanFPTMat(:,1,:,4)),... squeeze(errorMat(:,1,:,4))) xlabel('Width [micron]','FontSize',12) ylabel('Mean First Passage Time [minutes]','FontSize',12) set(gcf,'color','w') set(gca,'FontSize',12) legend('r = 0.5, N = 1', 'r = 1, N = 1', 'r = 2, N = 1', ... 'r = 0.5, N = 40','r = 1, N = 40', 'r = 2, N = 40', ... 'Location','NorthEast') %} end
Test the goodness of the quadratic fit
Test the goodness of the quadratic fit of the MFPT as a function of the width on log-log scale (commented out)
%{ for iindex = 1:length(alpha) fprintf('Working on i: %d.\n',iindex) for jindex = 1:length(radius) fprintf('Workind on j: %d.\n',jindex) for kindex = 1:length(numKernels) fprintf('Working on k: %d.\n',kindex) [logFit,gof]=fit(log(width)',... squeeze(log(meanFPTMatMin(:,iindex,jindex,kindex))),'poly1'); gof.rmse logFitVal(:,iindex,jindex,kindex) = logFit(log(width)); polyFitVal = exp(logFitVal); polyFitCoeff(1,iindex,jindex,kindex) = exp(logFit.p2); polyFitCoeff(2,iindex,jindex,kindex) = logFit.p1; end end end %}