5710   Introduction to Applied Math I

URL:    http://www.math.utah.edu/~cherk/teach/5710-03/appl-1-2003.html

Instructor: Professor Andrej Cherkaev
Office: JWB 225
Telephone: 581-6822
E-mail: cherk@math.utah.edu
Three credit hours.
 M,W,F  JWB 208
office hours: WF after class 

Addressed to graduate and senior undergraduate students in math, science, and engineering.
Grade is based on regular homework assignments and a course project.


  • Gilbert Strang. Introduction to Applied Mathematics.
  • Instructors notes.

  • The current text of Notes (draft)
    Warning! The current version (Oct 19, 2003) of the text is not properly edited yet!
    Please use only as a guidance.
  • Strang: Chapters 1,2, 3
  • Notes: Extremal problems .
  • Grade
    The grade will be based on homework scores, in-class exam, and course project.
    As a rule, the homework will be assigned each week.

    Homework assignments 

    The whole text (draft)
    Please use only as a guidance. The text is not properly edited yet!

    Note 1. Introduction
    Note 2. About regularization
    Note 3. Lagrange multipliers method and duality 

    Course projects
    Preliminary list
    Notes about course projects.