#.##bp big point (1in = 72bp) [120.000/Pbp cpi] #.##cc cicero (1cc = 12dd) [ 9.381/Pcc cpi] #.##cm centimeter [ 4.233/Pcm cpi] #.##dd didot point (1157dd = 1238pt) [112.569/Pdd cpi] #.##in inch [ 1.667/Pin cpi] #.##mm millimeter (10mm = 1cm) [ 42.333/Pmm cpi] #.##pc pica (1pc = 12pt) [ 10.038/Ppc cpi] #.##pt point (72.27pt = 1in) [120.450/Ppt cpi] #.##sp scaled point (65536sp = 1pt) [ 7.893/(Psp/1000000) cpi]The bracketed values give the number of characters per inch (cpi) for a point size of P units with the default fixed-width Courier font. For example, with point size 8bp, there are 120/8 = 15 characters per inch. With point size 1000000sp, there are 7.893 characters per inch.