These file names are subdirectories named by the PostScript font name.
/NextLibrary/Fonts: AGaramond-Bold.font CaslonFiveForty-Italic.font AGaramond-BoldItalic.font CaslonFiveForty-Roman.font AGaramond-Italic.font CaslonThree-Italic.font AGaramond-Regular.font CaslonThree-Roman.font AGaramond-Semibold.font Courier-Bold.font AGaramond-SemiboldItalic.font Courier-BoldOblique.font AGaramond-Titling.font Courier-Oblique.font AGaramondExp-Bold.font Courier.font AGaramondExp-BoldItalic.font Helvetica-Bold.font AGaramondExp-Italic.font Helvetica-BoldOblique.font AGaramondExp-Regular.font Helvetica-Oblique.font AGaramondExp-Semibold.font Helvetica.font AGaramondExp-SemiboldItalic.font Lexi.font Aachen-Bold.font Ohlfs.font BauerBodoni-Bold.font Symbol.font BauerBodoni-BoldItalic.font TeXFonts BauerBodoni-Italic.font Times-Bold.font BauerBodoni-Roman.font Times-BoldItalic.font Bodoni-Bold.font Times-Italic.font Bodoni-BoldItalic.font Times-Roman.font Bodoni-Italic.font afm Bodoni-Poster.font bitmap Bodoni.font outline BrushScript.fontEach such subdirectory contains several files. For example, in Times-Roman.font, we find
Screen-Times-Roman.10.afm Screen-Times-Roman.9.afm Screen-Times-Roman.12.afm Times-Roman Screen-Times-Roman.14.afm Times-Roman.afm Screen-Times-Roman.18.afm Times-Roman.bepf Screen-Times-Roman.7.afm
The Screen-*.afm files contain Adobe Font Metrics for screen display of the outline font; they are built by the NeXT screenafm utility. The extensionless filename, Times-Roman, is in PFA (PostScript Font - ASCII) format. The .bepf file is a binary font file in big-endian format built by the prebuild utility from the font metric files and the outline font file. On some systems, similar .lepf files in little-endian format may also be found.
Both prebuild and screenafm are described in standard UNIX manual pages.
Locally installed and third-party outline fonts are normally stored in the directory /LocalLibrary/Fonts, with the same subdirectory conventions as for /NextLibrary/Fonts.
/LocalLibrary/Fonts is also the location of vendor-supplied TeX fonts in .pk (packed bitmap) and .tfm (TeX font metric) formats.