PostScript Type 1 fonts for Linux 1.x (Intel x86 and IBM PowerPC)

Last update: Fri Jul 3 16:06:21 1998     Thu Mar 23 14:22:51 2017

Up to notes on fonts


UTBI____.pfa  c0419bt_.pfb  c0632bt_.pfb  cour.pfa      fonts.dir
UTB_____.pfa  c0582bt_.pfb  c0633bt_.pfb  courb.pfa     fonts.scale
UTI_____.pfa  c0583bt_.pfb  c0648bt_.pfb  courbi.pfa
UTRG____.pfa  c0611bt_.pfb  c0649bt_.pfb  couri.pfa

The files in .pfa (PostScript Font - ASCII) format and .pfb (PostScript Font - Binary) format correspond to the freely distributable (but copyrighted!) fonts:

Utopia-BoldItalic       Courier10PitchBT-Bold   CharterBT-Italic
Utopia-Bold             Courier10PitchBT-BoldIt Courier
Utopia-Italic           CharterBT-Bold          Courier-Bold
Utopia-Regular          CharterBT-BoldItalic    Courier-BoldItalic
Courier10PitchBT-Roman  CharterBT-Roman         Courier-Italic

Unfortunately, no corresponding Adobe Font Metric ( .afm ) files are provided, but since all of the above fonts are freely distributable, font metric files they can be found elsewhere on Internet archives, or from the Adobe ftp site. This site has the Bitstream Charter and the Adobe Utopia fonts available in InfoZIP archive format.

PostScript Type 1 fonts for Linux 2.0 (DEC Alpha, Intel x86, IBM PowerPC, Sun SPARC)

Follow this link for a listing of the contents of the Linux 2.0 collection.


./UTBI____.pfa	  ./c0419bt_.pfb    ./c0632bt_.pfb    ./cour.pfa
./UTB_____.pfa	  ./c0582bt_.pfb    ./c0633bt_.pfb    ./courb.pfa
./UTI_____.pfa	  ./c0583bt_.pfb    ./c0648bt_.pfb    ./courbi.pfa
./UTRG____.pfa	  ./c0611bt_.pfb    ./c0649bt_.pfb    ./couri.pfa


./symbolsl.pfa	  ./zapfdr.pfa


./xyatip10.pfa	  ./xycirc10.pfa    ./xycmbt10.pfa    ./xyeuat10.pfa
./xybsql10.pfa	  ./xycmat10.pfa    ./xydash10.pfa    ./xyeubt10.pfa


./xyatip10.pfa	  ./xycirc10.pfa    ./xycmbt10.pfa    ./xyeuat10.pfa
./xybsql10.pfa	  ./xycmat10.pfa    ./xydash10.pfa    ./xyeubt10.pfa


./putb8a.pfb	  ./putbi8a.pfb	    ./putr8a.pfb      ./putri8a.pfb


./bchb8a.pfb	  ./bchbi8a.pfb	    ./bchr8a.pfb      ./bchri8a.pfb


./xyatip10.pfa	  ./xycirc10.pfa    ./xycmbt10.pfa    ./xyeuat10.pfa
./xybsql10.pfa	  ./xycmat10.pfa    ./xydash10.pfa    ./xyeubt10.pfa


./CMBX10.pfa	  ./b018015l.pfb    ./hrgrr.pfa	      ./n022003l.pfb
./CMBX5.pfa	  ./b018032l.pfb    ./hritr.pfa	      ./n022004l.pfb
./CMBX7.pfa	  ./b018035l.pfb    ./hrpld.pfa	      ./n022023l.pfb
./CMEX10.pfa	  ./bchb.pfa	    ./hrpldi.pfa      ./n022024l.pfb
./CMMI10.pfa	  ./bchbi.pfa	    ./hrplt.pfa	      ./ncrb.pfa
./CMMI5.pfa	  ./bchr.pfa	    ./hrplti.pfa      ./ncrbi.pfa
./CMMI7.pfa	  ./bchri.pfa	    ./hrscc.pfa	      ./ncrr.pfa
./CMR10.pfa	  ./c0419bt_.pfb    ./hrscs.pfa	      ./ncrri.pfa
./CMR5.pfa	  ./c0582bt_.pfb    ./n019003l.pfb    ./old/
./CMR7.pfa	  ./c0583bt_.pfb    ./n019004l.pfb    ./old/
./CMSL10.pfa	  ./c059013l.pfb    ./n019023l.pfb    ./p052003l.pfb
./CMSY10.pfa	  ./c059016l.pfb    ./n019024l.pfb    ./p052004l.pfb
./CMSY5.pfa	  ./c059033l.pfb    ./n019043l.pfb    ./p052023l.pfb
./CMSY7.pfa	  ./c059036l.pfb    ./n019044l.pfb    ./p052024l.pfb
./CMTI10.pfa	  ./c0611bt_.pfb    ./n019063l.pfb    ./putb.pfa
./CMTT10.pfa	  ./c0632bt_.pfb    ./n019064l.pfb    ./putbi.pfa
./a010013l.pfb	  ./c0633bt_.pfb    ./n021003l.pfb    ./putr.pfa
./a010015l.pfb	  ./c0648bt_.pfb    ./n021004l.pfb    ./putri.pfa
./a010033l.pfb	  ./c0649bt_.pfb    ./n021023l.pfb    ./s050000l.pfb
./a010035l.pfb	  ./d050000l.pfb    ./n021024l.pfb    ./z003034l.pfb
./b018012l.pfb	  ./hrger.pfa


./d050000l.pfb	  ./s050000l.pfb


./a010013l.pfb	  ./c059016l.pfb    ./n019044l.pfb    ./n022023l.pfb
./a010015l.pfb	  ./c059033l.pfb    ./n019063l.pfb    ./n022024l.pfb
./a010033l.pfb	  ./c059036l.pfb    ./n019064l.pfb    ./p052003l.pfb
./a010035l.pfb	  ./d050000l.pfb    ./n021003l.pfb    ./p052004l.pfb
./b018012l.pfb	  ./n019003l.pfb    ./n021004l.pfb    ./p052023l.pfb
./b018015l.pfb	  ./n019004l.pfb    ./n021023l.pfb    ./p052024l.pfb
./b018032l.pfb	  ./n019023l.pfb    ./n021024l.pfb    ./s050000l.pfb
./b018035l.pfb	  ./n019024l.pfb    ./n022003l.pfb    ./z003034l.pfb
./c059013l.pfb	  ./n019043l.pfb    ./n022004l.pfb