May 2005
Book Review: Classic Shell Scripting
Reviewed by Peter H. Salus
Classic Shell Scripting
Arnold Robbins & Nelson H.F. Beebe
O'Reilly & Associates, 2005
ISBN 0596005954
534 pages
If you program on a Unix box or a Linux box, you use
the shell. It doesn't matter whether it's sh, csh, ksh,
bash, or... You use the shell. And, in all likelihood,
if you use the shell, you use scripts.
Robbins and Beebe have produced a book that is really good in a variety of
ways: it is well-written; it is well-organized; it is full of worthwhile examples
and instances; and the code is lucid and clear.
For those of you puzzled about all this, let me point
out that languages like C, C++ and Java are compiled — the source code is translated into object code and
then executed. Scripting languages (like awk, Perl, Python,
and Ruby) are interpreted. Compiled languages are
convenient; scripting languages work at a higher level.
And, because every type of Unix and Linux has a shell,
shell scripts are portable to a very, very large extent.
Moreover, scripts save time and effort; and shell scripts
save work across platforms.
Robbins and Beebe have organized Classic Shell Scripting
into 15 chapters:
- Background
- Getting Started
- Searching and Substitutions
- Text Processing Tools
- Pipelines Can Do Amazing things
- Variables, Making Decisions, and Repeating Actions
- Input and Output...
- Production Scripts
- Enough awk to be Dangerous
- Working with Files
- Extended Example: Merging User Databases
- Spellchecking
- Processes
- Shell Portability Issues ...
- Secure Shell Scripts ...
There are also three Appendices; a Bibliography; a Glossary;
and an elaborate Index.
I've been using a number of flavors of Unix and Linux for
more than 25 years. I learned a lot from this book. I enjoyed
the chapter on Text Processing Tools a great deal, and I
worked my way through the Spellchecking chapter. (As
Robbins and Beebe state, every OS has a spellchecker
built in, but you can learn a lot by constructing one.
I did.)
This is an excellent book. Buy it now!