Title and Abstracts: WTC 2010
Aaron Abrams, Emory
Title: Quasi-isometric rigidity of graph braid groups
Abstract: We show that the size of a complete graph is determined by the
quasi-isometry type of its 2-string braid group. This is joint work
with Praphat Fernandes.
Bou-Rabee, University of Chicago
Title: Quantifying Residual
Finiteness of Arithmetic Groups
Abstract: We begin with an introduction to the quantification
of residual finiteness. This program will lead us to define the
"normal Farb growth" of a group, which quantifies how
well-approximated the group is by its finite quotients. Our main goal
will be to present a result of ours that any $S$-arithmetic subgroup
of a higher rank Chevalley group $G$ has normal Farb growth
$n^{\dim(G)}$. We will focus on the examples $G = SL(n,C)$, where $n >
2$. We will also work out a couple of examples to indicate why our
result fails for non-linear and non-arithmetic examples. This talk
covers joint work with Tasho Kaletha.
Dowdall, University of Chicago
Title: Dilatation vs
self-intersection number for point-pushing pseudo-Anosovs
Abstract: This talk is about the dilatations of pseudo-Anosov mapping
classes obtained by pushing a marked point around a filling
curve. After reviewing this "point-pushing" construction, I will give
both upper and lower bounds on the dilatation in terms of the
self-intersection number of the filling curve. The upper bounds
involve analyzing explicit examples using train tracks, and the lower
bound is obtained by lifting to the universal cover and studying the
images of simple closed curves. As a corollary, we also bound the
least dilatation of any pseudo-Anosov in the point-pushing subgroup.
Søren Galatius, Stanford University
Title: Madsen-Weiss for
geometrically minded topologists.
Abstract: This will be a series of three lectures. My talks will be
based on my joint paper with Eliashberg and Mishachev
(arxiv), where we give a proof of
Madsen-Weiss' generalized Mumford conjecture. Compared with the
original proof, our proof is intended to be more geometric and less
homotopy theoretic.
Lars Louder, University of Michigan
Title: Nielsen equivalence of generating sets for surface groups.
Abstract: We will show that generating sets for surface groups, except
for the connected sum of three projective planes, are either reducible
or Nielsen equivalent to standard generating sets, improving upon a
theorem of Zieschang. This is equivalent to the statement that
Aut(F_n) acts transitively on Epi(F_n,S) when S is a surface group.
Meilstrup, Brigham Young University
Title: Some Results in Wild Low-Dimensional Topology and Dynamics
Abstract: This talk discusses spaces that are wild, i.e. not
locally simply connected. We first discuss periodic properties of
maps from a given space to itself, similar to Sharkovsky's Theorem for
interval maps. We study many non-locally connected spaces and show
that some have periodic structure either identical or related to
Sharkovsky's result, while others have essentially no restrictions on
the periodic structure. We next consider embeddings of solenoids
together with their complements in three space. We differentiate
solenoid complements via both algebraic and geometric means, and show
that every solenoid has an unknotted embedding with Abelian
fundamental group, as well as infinitely many inequivalent knotted
embeddings with non-Abelian fundamental group.
Jason Manning, University at Buffalo, SUNY
Title: Nonpositively curved
realizations of group-theoretic Dehn fillings
Abstract: Group-theoretic "Dehn filling" gives a method of obtaining
(relatively) hyperbolic groups as "children" of old ones. In case the
parent has some stronger geometric properties, we'd like to know if
the children share these properties. We give some specific examples
where the quotient groups "inherit" some CAT(0)/CAT(-1) geometry from
their parents. We use this geometry to get extra information about
the children not apparent from coarse versions of the Dehn filling
theorem. Some of the work described is joint with Koji Fujiwara and
some is joint with Daniel Groves.