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Spring 2004
Quantum Teichmuller
begins to be many hints (volume conjecture, etc...) of a connection
between topological quantum field theory and hyperbolic geometry. We
investigate a construction which mixes these two fields.
The quantum Teichmuller space is a deformation of
the field of rational functions on the Teichmuller space of a surface,
namely on the space of hyperbolic metrics on the surface. It turns out
that the representation theory of this purely algebraic object is
controlled by the same data as a pleated surface in a hyperbolic
3-manifold. As an application we construct invariants of surface
diffeomorphisms, by applying this correspondence to geometric data
extracted from the hyperbolic metric on the mapping torus of the
surface diffeomorphism.
This is joint work with Xiaobo Liu.
Analyticity of the Length Function for
Geodesics Currents; An Extension of the
Weil-Petersson Metric to Quasi-Fuchsian Space
Ergodic theory of the earthquake flow
We prove that the
length function associated with a geodesic current is
analytic on Quasifuchsian space. Using this, we show that a certain
distortion function associated with the Patterson-Sullivan measure is
analytic on Quasifuchsian space. Taking the second derivative of length
distortion, we obtain a symmetric bilinear two-tensor that extends the
Weil-Petersson metric on Fuschsian space to the whole of Quasifuchsian
Maryam Mirzakhani
Ergodic theory of the earthquake flow
In this talk we study the the
ergodic properties of the earthquake flow on the bundle of geodesic
measured laminations by using a relationship between the earthquake
flow and the Teichmuller horocycle flow. We use these results to find
the growth of the number of simple closed geodesics on a hyperbolic
and Self-Maps of the Universal Hyperbolic Solenoid
Abstract in PDF
Dynamics of the
Mapping Class Group Action on the Character Variety
The mapping class group acts naturally
on quasi-Fuchsian space, and this
action extends to an action on the appropriate variety of surface
group representations. We study the dynamics of this action using
geometry, and prove a non-existence result for mapping class group
invariant meromorphic functions on the character variety. This is
work with Juan Souto.