
The Teachers' Circle is a free program for all participants. The support of individual donors is vital to continuing this program. Donated funds will go towards supplies, books, and refreshments for participants.

Your donation also shows federal agencies and private foundations the support that The Teachers' Circle has in the greater Salt Lake community. Your gesture can have a big impact on the ability of The Teachers' Circle to secure funding from these organizations.

Donations can be made in any amount. Donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes from the University of Utah's Development Office.

There are three ways to donate:

  1. In person: bring donations (checks made out to the Department of Mathematics) to the VIGRE Coordinator in LCB 214. The coordinator will get your name and contact information so the Development Office can provide a receipt.

  2. Online: On the Development Office's online giving form, specify that you wish to give money to the Department of Mathematics. In the "Special instructions for this gift" section, state that you would like the donation to go towards The Teachers' Circle.
    Development Office's Online Giving Form

  3. By mail: On the Development Office's mail-in pledge form, specify that you wish to give money to the Department of Mathematics. In the "Special instructions for this gift" section, state that you would like the donation to go towards The Teachers' Circle.
    Development Office's Mail-in Pledge Form