Mathematical Biology Seminar
James Powell
Departments of Mathematics & Statistics/Biology
Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2009
3:05pm in LCB 225
Maintaining an appropriate seasonality is a basic ecological
requirement for insects living in seasonal environments. Critical life
history events (the timing of which is termed /phenology/) must mesh
with seasonal cycles, and it is often selectively advantageous for
individuals in the population to synchronize their activities with one
another as well. In most terrestrial insects, some explicit
physiological mechanism, such as diapause (hibernation which ends with
a specific environmental cue, as when day-length exceeds a fixed
duration), maintains both aspects of seasonality. However, many
ecologically important insects, such as the mountain pine beetle
(/Dendroctonus ponderosae/), apparently lack an explicit physiological
timing mechanism. Seasonality of such insects is said to be under
direct temperature control. How such insects maintain seasonality has
been a mystery, since their physiological clocks move at a rate
nonlinearly dependent on environmental temperatures.
In this talk, we first discuss the mechanistic basis for direct
temperature control of seasonality in the mountain pine beetle, which
is responsible for more forest damage across North America than all
other disturbances together, including fire. This bark beetle attacks
healthy pine trees; successful reproduction is contingent on host
mortality. Pines under attack defend themselves strongly using toxic
resin, which can repel a fixed number of attacking beetles. This
creates strong selective pressure for populations of beetles to mature
and emerge simultaneously (synchrony), and at an appropriate time of
year (seasonality); synchrony of adult emergence is absolutely
necessary for the mass-attack strategy that overcomes tree defenses.
We connect a distributional model describing mountain pine beetle
phenology with a model of population success measured using annual
growth rates derived from aerially detected counts of infested
trees. This model bridges the gap between phenology predictions and
population viability/growth rates for mountain pine beetle. The model
is parameterized and compared with 10 years of data from a recent
outbreak in central Idaho, and is driven using measured tree phloem
temperatures from north and south bole aspects and cumulative forest
area impacted. A model driven by observed south-side phloem
temperatures and that includes a correction for forest area previously
infested and killed is most predictive and generates realistic
parameter values of mountain pine beetle fecundity and population
growth. Extensions of this model to include spatial and demographic
structure of host forest (both leading to outbreak ` are discussed.