Mathematical Biology seminar
Jim Keener
University of Utah
"A Model for Length Control of Flagellar Hooks of
Salmonella Typhimurium"
March 10, 2010
3:05pm in LCB 215
We present a mathematical model for the growth and
length regulation of the hook component of the flagellar
motor of Salmonella Typhimurium. Under the
assumption that the molecular constituents are
translocated into the nascent filament by an ATP-ase and
then move by molecular diffusion to the growing end,
where they polymerize into the growing tube, we find
that there is a detectable transition from secretion
limited growth to diffusion limited growth. We propose
that this transition can be detected by the secretant
FliK, allowing FliK to interact with FlhB thereby
changing the secretion target of the type III secretion
machinery and terminating the growth of the hook.