Mathematical Biology seminar
Sam Isaacson
Courant Institute, NYU
"Incorporating Diffusion in Complex Geometries into
Stochastic Chemical
Kinetics Simulations"
Monday January 10, 2005
3:05pm in LCB 215
At sufficiently low concentrations deterministic mass-action kinetics
can no longer accurately model the time evolution of biochemical
systems. Stochastic chemical kinetics, based on a master equation
formulation of the dynamics, provides a means to account for the
underlying fluctuations in such systems. Traditionally, spatial
are ignored in both types of models by assuming the biochemicals
making up the system are well-mixed (i.e. equally probable to be in
any subregion of the total volume of interest). Corresponding to
deterministic mass-action kinetics, reaction-diffusion equations can
be used to model biochemical systems in which spatial effects are
We will present an overview of stochastic chemical kinetics, and a
method for incorporating diffusion in complex geometries into the
equation formulation. The method is based on an embedded boundary
discretization of the diffusion equation for the probability density
of a single particle. Movement of particles between cells of the mesh
are then approximated as first order reactions with jump rates
determined from the discretization. Numerical convergence results for
the method will be presented. An application of the method to 2D and
models for eukaryotic transcription, nuclear export of mRNA,
translation, nuclear import of protein, and gene regulation will be