Mathematical Biology Seminar
Hannah Callender, Vanderbilt University
Wednesday Jan. 24, 2007
3:05pm in LCB 219 "Purinergic Receptor Signaling in
the RAW 264.7 Macrophage:
Modeling Species-Specific Diacylglycerol Dynamics Following Receptor
Activation by Uridine 5' Diphosphate"
A mathematical description is given for the uridine
5'-diphosphate signaling pathway in the RAW 264.7 macrophage, a type
of white blood cell that surrounds and kills microorganisms, removes
dead cells, and stimulates the action of other immune system cells. A
comprehensive single-cell mathematical model is developed which
a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations describing the
major pathway components, with an emphasis on the production and
degradation of diacylglycerol, a cellular second messenger molecule
which plays an important role in initiating various changes in cell
behavior, including cell activation, differentiation, proliferation
tumor promotion. Modeling techniques, challenges, and computational
simulations will be presented.