New and Notable

Math Biology Seminar

RTG - Research Training Group in mathematical biology

Postdoctoral Scholars

Over the course of this program we will support three postdoctoral fellows. These fellows will have received a PhD in Mathematics or a related field with substantial applied mathematical content. They will work in some area of Mathematical Biology with a Mathematics Department mentor and a Life Science mentor and participate in one of the math biology research groups.

The appointment has a two-course teaching load per year, along with other mentoring activities with graduate and undergraduate students in the Math Biology program. RTG postdoctoral positions are available only to US citizens and permanent residents.

Application for these postdoctoral positions should be made to the Mathematics Department (see A statement of intent and interest in Mathematical Biology and willingness to engage in interdisciplinary study and research is required of all applicants.

It is helpful, but not required, that applicants identify one of the four program areas (Biofluids, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Neuroscience, or Physiology) as their preferred area of research emphasis.