RTG - Research Training Group in mathematical biology
Graduate Students
Several RTG graduate student fellowships are available and will be awarded on an annual basis.
First year students Fellowships will be available for incoming students. This funding will allow them to take additional (biology) courses, and participate in Journal club. To be considered for this Fellowship support, an applicant must indicate their interest in the Math Biology program in their application.
Lab Rotation Beginning students are also eligible for
support to do a summer lab rotation. This lab rotation can be after
the first or second academic year. To be considered for this support,
prepare a short (one page) proposal, with the help of your advisor,
identifying the laboratory and including a brief description of the
research project. Summer lab rotations are expected to be 8 weeks in
length. Proposals must be submitted to the RTG program director
by March 15.
Past Lab Rotations
Advanced students RTG support is available for advanced students. To be eligible for an RTG fellowship, a student must have at least one year of teaching experience as a Teaching Assistant, have passed at least two of three written qualifying exams and a plan for completing the third. To be considered for this support, submit a research proposal/description (up to 3 pages) and letters of support from a Mathematics Department advisor and a Life Science advisor who is not a member of the Mathematics Department. Include in your proposal a description of the mentoring/teaching activities in the Math Biology program that you would prefer. Proposals must be submitted to the RTG program director by March 15 of the academic year preceding the award year. RTG support is typically available for a total of two years, although a third year of support can be considered.
Special Research Projects RTG support is available for special research projects. These could be 1-2 month visits to a laboratory (or field work) to work with a life science collaborator not at the University of Utah. To be considered for this support, submit a (up to 3 page) proposal describing the project; include an estimate of extra, travel related expenses. Also have letters of support from your advisor and life-science collaborator/host submitted. Submission of proposals must be at least three months in advance of the start of the project.
Conferences and Meetings RTG support is available for advanced students to attend conferences and workshop that are especially pertinent to their program of study. To be considered for a travel award, submit a brief (one page) proposal, with endorsement from your advisor, describing the relevance of this meeting to your educational and research program. Priority will be given to students who will present posters or give contributed talks on their research. Students may use the following PDF form to make travel requests.
Application RTG graduate student fellowships are available only to US citizens and permanent residents. Application for RTG fellowships is made to Lauren McComber (lauren@math.utah.edu), the RTG program coordinator. RTG graduate fellows are expected to establish Utah residency prior to their first semester of support.