Program Flyer

RTG Flyer

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REU - Research Experience for Undergraduates

Mathematical Biology 2014-2015

The Mathematical Biology program at the University of Utah will be conducting a mathematical biology research project for undergraduates during the academic year.

We are looking for two math majors and two biology, physics, chemistry, or bioengineering majors who are interested in working together in an interdisciplinary group. Prior programming experience will be beneficial but is not necessary for your participation.

Program Details

The deadline for applications is 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.

Please email any questions to or


Your brain is easily the most powerful computer known to man. The fundamental information processing unit of your brain is a neuron. How does an individual neuron work? How do the 100 billion neurons in your brain work together? How do they deal with randomness?

We will use mathematics to attempt to tackle these questions and others that arise during our study. We will see that probability, differential equations, and numerical methods give us remarkable insight into the inner workings of the brain. This is your chance to see why mathematics is now an indispensable part of modern neurobiology. This is your chance to develop new skills and work in an area of active biological and mathematical research!

If you are interested in studying a fascinating biological system and learning how mathematics can be used to further biological understanding, this REU is for you!

Applicants must be US citizens, nationals, or permanent residents.

Participants will be paid for their research.

Please note that the deadline for applications has passed.

Past REU Announcements

2005-2006 2008-2009
2009-2010 2010-2011