Mathematical Biology Seminar
Michael Samoilov Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories
Wednesday August 22, 2007
3:05pm in LCB 215 Non-intuitive effects of noise help
shape cellular physiology
While the presence of random fluctuations has been increasingly
predicted and ob
served in many cellular processes, there has been relatively little
of how entirely deviant the behaviors of stochastic biological
systems could be
from those expected via traditional deterministic descriptions. As a
result, th
e effects of noise can often play important yet altogether
non-intuitive roles i
n shaping cell physiology, including in such biomedically-relevant
settings as i
nfectious diseases, cancer, normal or pathological tissue development
and differ
entiation, etc. My talk will discuss a rigorous modeling and
simulation framewor
k for tracing the effects and causes of such deviant behaviors based
on the disc
rete and stochastic nature of underlying cellular biochemistry. As an
example, I
will demonstrate how our approach can be used to better understand
and explain
data from Hematopoietic stem cells and immune cells as well as to
obtain additio
nal insights into other syste
ms spanning gene expression and signal transduction. Finally, I will
discuss the
broader implications of such noisy mechanisms for organismal
physiology, fitnes
s and phenotypic variability.