[[-c licensefile] -display hostname:display] [-debug]
[-Debugger [options]]
There are two ways in which you can control the way the matlab script works:
- Determining the MATLAB root directory
- Determining the host machine architecture
- Processing any options specified
- Reading the MATLAB startup file, .matlabrc.sh
- Setting MATLAB environment variables
The file .matlabrc.sh is a shell script that contains definitions for a number of variables that the matlab script uses. These variables are defined within the matlab script, but can be redefined in .matlabrc.sh. When called, matlab looks for the first occurance of .matlabrc.sh in the current directory, in the $HOME directory, and in the matlab/bin directory (where the template version of .matlabrc.sh is located). You can edit the template file to redefine information used by the matlab script. You can copy the edited version to your current or home directory if you do not want your changes applied system wide. Ensure that you edit the section that applies to your machine architecture. The .matlabrc.sh file defines the following variables: ______________________________________________________
- By specifying command-line options
- By assigning values in the MATLAB startup file, .matlabrc.sh
Variable What It Defines
MATLAB The MATLAB root directory AUTOMOUNT_MAP Path prefix map for automounting DISPLAY The hostname of the X Window display MATLAB uses for output ARCH The machine architecture as determined by the arch utility script LM_LICENSE_FILE
The FLEXlm license file (not used by Convex or Cray platforms). TOOLBOX Path to the $MATLAB/toolbox directory MATLABPATH The MATLAB search path XAPPLRESDIR The X application resource directory $MATLAB/app-defaults XKEYSYMDB The X keysym database file $MATLAB/app-defaults/XKeysymDB SHELL The shell to use when "!" is issued in MATLAB ------------------------------------------------------- The matlab script determines the path of the MATLAB root directory by looking up the directory tree from the matlab/bin directory (where the matlab script is located). The $MATLAB variable is then used to locate all files within the MATLAB directory tree. You can change the definition of $MATLAB, if for example, you want to run a different version of MATLAB or if, for some reason, the path determined by the matlab script is not correct (this may happen when certain types of automounting schemes are used by your system). You can also set $MATLAB as an argument to the matlab script. $AUTOMOUNT_MAP is used to modify the MATLAB root directory path. Whatever pathname that is assigned to $AUTOMOUNT_MAP is deleted from the front for the MATLAB root path. (It is unlikely that you will need to use this option.) See the comments in the .matlabrc.sh file for more explanation on these variables.