To establish an internet connection via modem through the Mathematics Department you need three pieces of software: MacTCP and the MacPPP extension and control panel. They look like this:
MacTCP, now at version 2.0.6, is part of the standard MacOS system, now at version 7.5. You may wish to consult Apple computer for more information or for recent updates. There is also an ftp site for an updater for MacTCP. MacPPP is available from
MacTCP is installed as a control panel. To configure it to connect to the Mathematics Department, proceed as follows.
The MacPPP package consists of two parts: the "Config PPP" control panel and the "PPP" system extension. Drag both of these into the system folder, which should be closed for this operation. The two parts will automatically be placed in the correct places. Once MacPPP is intalled, you must open the MacTCP control panel and select PPP.
The next task is to configure MacPPP. Open the "Config PPP" control panel. It will look like this:
Enter "annex.math.utah" in the "PPP Server Name" box. Select the modem speed and, if your modem supports, it, select the "DTR & CTS" flow control option. You should generally choose a higher modem speed than the maximum available on your modem, e.g., 19200 bps for a 14400 bps modem. This is in order to force the modem to activate data compression, which will give you higher data transfer rates. Enter the telephone number of the server (581 8105), and enter the modem init string. A popular one (the usual default for mac modems) is AT&F1.
The last part of the configuration job is to set up the PPP connect script. To do this press the "Connect script " button and enter in the information as follows:
Note the annex password has been obscured. After the script has been entered, click "OK", then click " Done" on the "Config PPP" control panel. Configuration is now complete.
To establish a PPP connection you may press the "Open " button in the MacPPP control panel. Once the connection is established, you can activate your network applications, e.g., Telnet, Netscape, or MacWeb. You can run more than one of these at once. To close the connnection, press either the hard or soft close button. You can also open a connection by opening a network application, e.g., Telnet or Netscape.