Sample Home Page

Preformatted Text


To construct your own home page you need to learn a little about HTML, which stands for "Hypertext Markup Language." This is not as difficult as it might seem. It is a small language with just a few "tags." One way to understand HTML is to compare this page with its HTML version. That way you will see what various HTML constructs do.

HTML documents can contain text and links, like the underlined text in the previous paragraph, and images. Images can be links if you so choose. The little green ball you see is such an iconic link.

Click on the green ball.

You can also make lists, e.g.,

Lists can also be numbered
  1. Eggs
  2. Milk
  3. Bread

One thing you should be aware of is that there are several variants of HTML in use. Netscape, for example, has added some constructs which allow you to align images on the left or right and let text wrap around them. Netscape HTML also supports table. One hopes that all versions of HTML will converge to a single standard.

Preformatted text

Sometimes it is useful to turn off HTML formatting. Here is an example of this feature:

      Item    Quantity  Price  Subtotal
      Eggs        12     0.05     0.60
      Milk         2     0.53     1.06
      Bread        3     0.35     1.05
                        Total:    2.71

To learn more about HTML, the references below may be useful. Another good way is to compare a web page with its source file. All web browsers have a "view source" option for this purpose.



Suggestions for new references are especially welcome.