hsv - Hue-saturation-value color map.
hot - Black-red-yellow-white color map.
gray - Linear gray-scale color map.
bone - Gray-scale with tinge of blue color map.
copper - Linear copper-tone color map.
pink - Pastel shades of pink color map.
white - All white color map.
flag - Alternating red, white, blue, and black color map.
lines - Color map with the line colors.
colorcube - Enhanced color-cube color map.
jet - Variant of HSV.
prism - Prism color map.
cool - Shades of cyan and magenta color map.
autumn - Shades of red and yellow color map.
spring - Shades of magenta and yellow color map.
winter - Shades of blue and green color map.
summer - Shades of green and yellow color map.
(do a help colormap for more information)