
Spin glass behavior in metalloporphyrin-based magnets*

Joel S. Miller (1) and Arthur J. Epstein (2)

(1) Department of Physics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

(2) Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210

Magnets are technologically very important materials that are essential in today's high-tech society. One new class magnets being studied is based on manganoporphyrins. Bulk magnetic ordering is observed with ordering temperatures, T_c, occurring below 30~K depending on the substituent, solvent, etc. Typically, this class of magnets exhibit frequency dependent ac magnetic susceptibility characteristic of spin glass behavior. Although spin glass behavior is well studied it is for spin dilute systems, it is not for spin concentrated, systems. Experimental data characteristic of the spin glass behavior will be presented, and the data will be discussed in terms of a novel viscous glassy behavior in a quasi-one-dimensional cluster glass.

* Supported in part by Department of Energy Grant Nos. DE FG 03-93ER45504 and DE-FG02-86ER45271 and NSF CHE-110685.