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Example2.s - assembly code for extended example

1  gcc2_compiled.:
2  .stabs "/cygint/s1/users/jcm/play/",100,0,0,Ltext0
3  .stabs "example2.c",100,0,0,Ltext0
4       .text
5  Ltext0:
6  .stabs "int:t1=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
7  .stabs "char:t2=r2;0;127;",128,0,0,0
8  .stabs "long int:t3=r1;-2147483648;2147483647;",128,0,0,0
9  .stabs "unsigned int:t4=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
10 .stabs "long unsigned int:t5=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
11 .stabs "short int:t6=r1;-32768;32767;",128,0,0,0
12 .stabs "long long int:t7=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
13 .stabs "short unsigned int:t8=r1;0;65535;",128,0,0,0
14 .stabs "long long unsigned int:t9=r1;0;-1;",128,0,0,0
15 .stabs "signed char:t10=r1;-128;127;",128,0,0,0
16 .stabs "unsigned char:t11=r1;0;255;",128,0,0,0
17 .stabs "float:t12=r1;4;0;",128,0,0,0
18 .stabs "double:t13=r1;8;0;",128,0,0,0
19 .stabs "long double:t14=r1;8;0;",128,0,0,0
20 .stabs "void:t15=15",128,0,0,0
21 .stabs "g_foo:G2",32,0,0,0
22      .global _g_foo
23      .data
24 _g_foo:
25      .byte 99
26 .stabs "s_g_repeat:S1",38,0,0,_s_g_repeat
27      .align 4
28 _s_g_repeat:
29      .word 2
30 .stabs "s_tag:T16=s20s_int:1,0,32;s_float:12,32,32;s_char_vec:
31 .stabs "s_typedef:t16",128,0,0,0
32 .stabs "char_vec:G19=ar1;0;2;2",32,0,0,0
33      .global _char_vec
34      .align 4
35 _char_vec:
36      .byte 97
37      .byte 98
38      .byte 99
39      .reserve _s_flap.0,4,"bss",4
40      .text
41      .align 4
42 LC0:
43      .ascii "Hello world\12\0"
44      .align 4
45      .global _main
46      .proc 1
47 _main:
48 .stabn 68,0,20,LM1
49 LM1:
50      !#PROLOGUE# 0
51      save %sp,-144,%sp
52      !#PROLOGUE# 1
53      st %i0,[%fp+68]
54      st %i1,[%fp+72]
55      call ___main,0
56      nop
57 LBB2:
58 .stabn 68,0,23,LM2
59 LM2:
60      st %g0,[%fp-20]
61 L2:
62      sethi %hi(_s_g_repeat),%o0
63      ld [%fp-20],%o1
64      ld [%o0+%lo(_s_g_repeat)],%o0
65      cmp %o1,%o0
66      bge L3
67      nop
68 LBB3:
69 .stabn 68,0,25,LM3
70 LM3:
71      sethi %hi(LC0),%o1
72      or %o1,%lo(LC0),%o0
73      call _printf,0
74      nop
75 .stabn 68,0,26,LM4
76 LM4:
77 LBE3:
78 .stabn 68,0,23,LM5
79 LM5:
80 L4:
81      ld [%fp-20],%o0
82      add %o0,1,%o1
83      st %o1,[%fp-20]
84      b,a L2
85 L3:
86 .stabn 68,0,27,LM6
87 LM6:
88 LBE2:
89 .stabn 68,0,27,LM7
90 LM7:
91 L1:
92      ret
93      restore
94 .stabs "main:F1",36,0,0,_main
95 .stabs "argc:p1",160,0,0,68
96 .stabs "argv:p20=*21=*2",160,0,0,72
97 .stabs "s_flap:V12",40,0,0,_s_flap.0
98 .stabs "times:1",128,0,0,-20
99 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB2
100 .stabs "inner:1",128,0,0,-24
101 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB3
102 .stabn 224,0,0,LBE3
103 .stabn 224,0,0,LBE2
104 .stabs "e_places:T22=efirst:0,second:3,last:4,;",128,0,0,0
105 .stabs "u_tag:T23=u4u_int:1,0,32;u_float:12,0,32;u_char:21,0,32;;",
106     .align 4
107     .proc 1
108 _s_proc:
109 .stabn 68,0,35,LM8
110 LM8:
111     !#PROLOGUE# 0 
112     save %sp,-120,%sp
113     !#PROLOGUE# 1
114     mov %i0,%o0
115     st %i1,[%fp+72]
116     st %i2,[%fp+76]
117 LBB4:
118 .stabn 68,0,41,LM9
119 LM9:
120 LBE4:
121 .stabn 68,0,41,LM10
122 LM10:
123 L5:
124     ret
125     restore
126 .stabs "s_proc:f1",36,0,0,_s_proc
127 .stabs "s_arg:p16",160,0,0,0
128 .stabs "s_ptr_arg:p18",160,0,0,72
129 .stabs "char_vec:p21",160,0,0,76
130 .stabs "an_u:23",128,0,0,-20
131 .stabn 192,0,0,LBB4
132 .stabn 224,0,0,LBE4
133 .stabs "g_bar:r1",64,0,0,5
134 .stabs "g_pf:G24=*25=f1",32,0,0,0
135     .common _g_pf,4,"bss"
136 .stabs "g_an_s:G16",32,0,0,0
137     .common _g_an_s,20,"bss"

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