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End-of-file rules

The special rule "<<EOF>>" indicates actions which are to be taken when an end-of-file is encountered and yywrap() returns non-zero (i.e., indicates no further files to process). The action must finish by doing one of four things:

<<EOF>> rules may not be used with other patterns; they may only be qualified with a list of start conditions. If an unqualified <<EOF>> rule is given, it applies to all start conditions which do not already have <<EOF>> actions. To specify an <<EOF>> rule for only the initial start condition, use


These rules are useful for catching things like unclosed comments. An example:

%x quote

...other rules for dealing with quotes...

<quote><<EOF>>   {
         error( "unterminated quote" );
<<EOF>>  {
         if ( *++filelist )
             yyin = fopen( *filelist, "r" );

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