Commutative Algebra Seminar
Fall 2024, Friday 2:00–3:00 pm, LCB 222
Date | Speaker | Title — click for abstract |
January 10 (joint with AG) |
Hülya Argüz University of Georgia |
Calculating log Gromov-Witten invariants via scattering
Log Gromov-Witten invariants, introduced by Abramovich-Chen-Gross-Siebert, are counts of curves in pairs (X,D) consisting of a smooth
projective variety X together with a normal crossing divisor D, with prescribed tangency conditions along D. These invariants play a key role in mirror
symmetry for log Calabi-Yau pairs (X,D), in which case D is an anticanonical divisor. After briefly reviewing log Gromov-Witten theory, I will explain a
combinatorial recipe based on tropical geometry and wall-crossing algorithms to calculate such curve counts when (X,D) is obtained as a blow-up of a
toric variety along hypersurfaces in the toric boundary divisor. This is based on joint work with Mark Gross.
Wednesday January 22 (joint with AG) |
Claudiu Raicu University of Notre Dame |
Cohomology on the incidence correspondence and related questions
A fundamental problem at the confluence of algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and representation theory is to understand the structure and vanishing behavior of the cohomology of line
bundles on (partial) flag varieties. I will describe an answer in the case of the incidence correspondence (the partial flag variety consisting of pairs of a point in projective space and a
hyperplane containing it), and highlight surprising connections to other questions of interest: the splitting of jet bundles on the projective line, the Han-Monsky representation ring, or
Lefschetz properties for Artinian monomial complete intersections. This is based on joint work with Annet Kyomuhangi, Emanuela Marangone, and Ethan Reed.
January 24 (joint with RT/NT) |
Wan Chen Rutgers Newark |
Some Examples of the Relative Langlands Duality
In this talk, I will discuss some examples of the relative Langlands duality (introduced by Ben-Zvi-Sakellaridis-Venkatesh) for strongly
tempered spherical varieties. In some cases, I will introduce a relative trace formula comparison and prove the fundamental lemma/smooth transfer.
This is a joint work with Zhengyu Mao and Lei Zhang.
January 31 (joint with RT/NT) |
David Schwein University of Bonn |
New supercuspidal representations from the Weil representation in characteristic two
Supercuspidal representations are the mysterious "elementary particles" from which all other
representations of a reductive p-adic group are built. Residue characteristic two presents additional
difficulties in the construction of these representations, and even for classical groups, our knowledge is
incomplete. In this talk, based on joint work with Jessica Fintzen, I'll explain how to overcome one of
these difficulties: the exceptional behavior of the Heisenberg group and Weil representation in
characteristic two. Time permitting, I'll also explain how to overcome a second difficulty: disconnected
Lie-algebra centralizers.
February 7 | Aryaman Maithani University of Utah |
Polynomial invariants of GL2: Conjugation over finite fields
Consider the conjugation action of GL_2(K) on the polynomial ring K[X]. When K is an infinite field, the ring of
invariants is a polynomial ring generated by the trace and the determinant. We describe the ring of invariants when K is a finite field, and show
that it is a hypersurface.
February 14 |
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February 21 |
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February 28 |
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March 7 |
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March 21 | Janina Letz Bielefeld |
March 21 | Yotam Svoray University of Utah |
Isolated singularities in mixed characteristic
March 28 | Henning Krause Bielefeld |
March 28 | Julia Pevtsova University of Washington |
April 4 | Nawaj KC University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
April 11 | Ben Antieau Northwestern |
April 18 | Saeed Nasseh Georgia Southern |
April 25 |
Last updated 8/25/2024
This web page is maintained by Srikanth Iyengar, Karl Schwede, Anurag K. Singh.