Topology Optimization of Linear Elastic Continuum Structures by Lars A. Krog JTB 320, 3:20pm, Monday May 12, 1997 Abstract Shape optimization is a subject which has captured the minds of researchers for many years, and boundary variation techniques for doing shape optimization have today reached a level of maturity where they are being incorporated into commercial finite element systems for solution of structural analysis problems. Traditional boundary variation methods for doing shape optimization rely on the simple assumption that a structure is defined by the shape of its boundaries, and that an optimal structure can be found by variation of the shape of the boundaries of a given initial design. At a first glance such an approach seems very general. However, as we are optimizing the shapes of predefined boundaries such a formulation will neither allow us to introduce new boundaries nor to remove existing boundaries, and the topology of the finial optimized design is therefore given by the initial design. In structural mechanics the topology of a component, i.e., the description of the number, position and connectivity of holes and members in the structure is extremely important for its optimality. Traditional boundary variation methods for doing shape optimization are therefore severely limited in scope in the sense that the success of such an approach rely on the skills and intuition of an experienced designer to come up with a good initial design, i.e., a design with the right topology. There is therefore a general need for optimization methods which are able to predict the optimal topology of continuum structures. The present lecture deals with the description of such an optimization method. Especially, we will consider formulations for finding the optimal topologies of planar structures and for finding the optimal layouts of stiffener reinforcements on existing plate and shell structures. As design criteria for the optimization we will consider both the structural stiffness and the eigenfrequencies of vibration for the structure, and a special formulation for solution of optimization problems in the case of existence of non-differentiable multiple eigenfrequencies will be presented. Request for preprints and reprints This source can be found at