Here are past members of our group and their current affiliation, starting from Fall 2013 and in rough chronological order of departure. Please feel free to contact any of the webmasters with any updates.
Dong Wang
- Postdoctoral fellow 2017-2020. Postdoctoral Mentor: Braxton Osting
- Current Position: Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
Huy Ba Dinh
- PhD 2020. Thesis title: TBA. Advisor: Ken Golden
- Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Courant Institute, NYU.
Christian Kern
- Postdoctoral fellow 2019-2020. Postdoctoral Mentor: Graeme Milton
- Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow. Metamaterials and Plasmonics research laboratory. CUNY, New York.
Erin Michelle Linebarger
- PhD 2020. Thesis title: Combining multiple sources of information in autonomous perception and decision making. Advisor: Akil Narayan
- NSF graduate fellow
- Current Position: TBA
Kristin DeSplinter
- MS 2020, Advisor: Fernando Guevara Vasquez
- Title: Approximation of boundary layer potentials for the Helmholtz equaton with Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions
- Current Position: TBA
Noa Kraitzman
- NSF Ed Lorenz Postdoctoral Fellow 2015-2019. Postdoctoral Mentor: Ken Golden
- Current Position: MSI Fellow, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University.
Ornella Mattei
- Postdoctoral researcher 2016-2019. Postdoctoral Mentor: Graeme Milton
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, San Francisco State University, CA
Qing Xia
- PhD 2019, Advisor: Yekaterina Epshteyn
- Thesis title: Robust numerical algorithms with applications to interface problems and chemotaxis models in biology
- Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Deparment of Mathematics, Rensselaer Polythechnic Institute, Troy, NY
Harish Bhat
- Associate Professor, Summer 2018 - Summer 2019
- Current Position: Associate Professor, Applied Mathematics Unit, University of California, Merced
Varun Shankar
- Postdoctoral researcher Summer 2014 - Summer 2018. Postdoctral Mentors: Aaron Fogelson and Robert M. Kirby
- Current Position: Assistant Professor Lecturer, School of Computing, University of Utah s
Vira Babenko
- PhD 2016. Advisor: Peter Alfeld
- Thesis Title: Numerical Analysis in L-spaces.
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, NY
Jason Albright
- PhD 2016. Advisor: Yekaterina Epshteyn
- Thesis Title: Numerical Methods based on Difference Potentials for Models with Material Interfaces
- Current Position: R&D Staff Scientist 2 at the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)
Kyle Steffen
- PhD 2018. Advisors: Yekaterina Epshteyn and Ken Golden
- Thesis Title: The Difference Potentials Method for Problems with Evolving Geometry and Modeling Fluid Flow in Sea Ice
- Current Position: Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow, Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Christian Sampson
- PhD 2017. Advisor: Ken Golden
- Thesis Title: Modeling wave dynamics in the marginal ice zone
- Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Maxence Cassier
- Postdoctoral researcher from Fall 2014 - Summer 2017. Postdoctoral mentors: Fernando Guevara Vasquez and Graeme Milton.
- Current Position: CNRS researcher at the Fresnel Institute, Marseille, France.
David Dobson
- Professor 2002-2017
- Current Affiliation: Decision Sciences Medical
Davit Harutyunyan
- Postdoctoral researcher from Fall 2014 - Summer 2017. Postdoctoral mentor: Graeme Milton.
- Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Dongbin Xiu
- Professor 2013-2016
- Current Position: Professor and Ohio Eminent Scholar, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
Patrick Bardsley
- PhD 2016, Advisors: Fernando Guevara Vasquez, Yekaterina Epshteyn
- Current Position: Cirrus Logic
- Thesis title: Intensity-only imaging with waves, restarted inverse Born series and the analysis of coarsening in polycrystalline materials
Predrag Krtolica
- PhD Spring 2016, Advisor: Andrej Cherkaev, Andrejs Treibergs
- Current Position: Lecturer, University of Utah
- Thesis title: Compatibility conditions and application to damage in discrete structures
Ivan Sudakov
- Postdoctoral researcher from Fall 2012 - Spring 2015. Postdoctoral mentor: Ken Golden
- Current Position: Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Dayton, OH
Michael Medvinsky
- Postdoctoral researcher from Fall 2013 - Spring 2015. Postdoctoral mentor: Yekaterina Epshteyn
- Current Position: Tel Aviv University
Michal Kordy
- PhD Fall 2014, Advisors: Elena Cherkaev and Phil Wannamaker (Geophysics)
- Current Position: Google, Mountain View, CA
- Thesis title: Efficient Computational Methods or Electromagnetic Imaging with Applications to 3D Magnetotellurics
Todd Harry Reeb
- Advisor: Braxton Osting
- Masters 2018. Eliminating bias in cancer risk estimates, a simulation study
- Current Position: Galileo Processing
Andy Thaler
- PhD Spring 2014, Advisor: Graeme Milton
- Current Position: Mathworks
- Thesis title: Bounds on the volume of an inclusion in a body and cloaking due to anomalous localized resonance
Ryan Viertel
- PhD 2018, Advisor: Braxton Osting
- Current Affiliation: Sandia National Lab
Webmaster: Fernando Guevara Vasquez. (Created by Yekaterina Epshteyn and FGV)