This page contains links to Maple projects for Professor Korevaar's Math 2250-1 section, along with other Maple information. Introduction to Maple: 2250mapleintro.pdf browser-readable version 2250mapleintro.mws open this maple worksheet from Maple: either download it and then open it from your Maple window; or, while in Maple use the "open URL" option under "file" menu item, and paste or type the URL of the Maple notes into dialog box which appears. Useful commands: I will update this as the semester progresses. Hopefully it's a good summary of commands we've found useful so far in the course. Suggest ones I've missed! I've added matrix algebra commands. commands.pdf browser-readable version commands.mws open this maple worksheet from Maple. Maple Project 1: (due September 22, in 2250-1) There was originally a missing parantheses in the displayed equation for problem 4. This has been fixed, i.e. it now displays correctly as equation (7) on page 57 of the text. project1.pdf browser-readable version project1.mws open this maple worksheet from Maple. proj1sols.pdf solutions! sept12b.pdf converting sinusoidal functions to phase-amplitude form. sept12b.mws maple worksheet Maple Project 2: (due November 7, in 2250-1) project2.pdf browser-readable version project2.mws open this maple worksheet from Maple - modify it to make your solution file! Maple Project 3: Earthquakes (due December 10, in 2250-1) quakeproj.pdf browser-readable version quakeproj.mws open this maple worksheet from Maple using "open URL" - modify it to make your solution file! dec1maple.pdf contains commands to help with the earthquake project dec1maple.mws open from maple! earthquakecomments.pdf explains why our forcing vector is the same on every floor, even though the building is being shaken at the bottom. |